Caution: Iran “blue and white” in Arab settlements in Israel

by time news

At a time when the State of Israel is busy with quarrels and Jewish wars, and without the mainstream media in the local Hebrew or Arabic language paying attention to this, a quiet but persistent nucleus of Shiite Islam is growing in the country – a surprising figure given that the Muslim majority of the country’s Arab citizens belong to Sunni Islam, with the exception of About 2,200 Syrian Alevis with Israeli citizenship, who live in the northern village of Hajar. This is a phenomenon that receives support from that powerful regional factor, which creates arms for itself in many places in the regional space. Thus, for example, the same subversive and manipulative force established for itself the Hezbollah arm, which has so far succeeded in destroying neighboring Lebanon from the inside. This is how Iran and the Ayatollah regime continued to create chaos and completely collapse Syria. In these two places, the rifts between different parts of society already existed, and all that is left for the Iranian regime to do is to deepen them, emphasize them and exploit them to its advantage.

In recent years, Iran’s attempts to create a rift in Egypt have come to naught, against the background of the heavy hand of the Egyptian regime, which denounces any Iranian subversive activity on its territory. Not one of the tensions between the two countries reached new heights, ambassadors were returned to their countries and cases of arrests of Iranian spies were silenced. Iran and Egypt have a complex history of hostility. Thus, for example, Cairo does not forget that the murderer of the late President Anwar Sadat, Khaled al-Islambuli, was Iranian and that the Iranian regime immortalized his name on a main street in the capital, Tehran. After all, Iran for its part does not forget that the Persian shah, Muhammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, raised Egypt to do and buried him with great pomp in a magnificent tomb in the capital city of Cairo itself.

The Iranian Shiite regime, which strives for regional hegemony, repeatedly conflicts with the concept of regional hegemony and Egyptian leadership. Cairo sees itself, along with Saudi Arabia, as the exporter and importer of the Sunni Muslim world. Meanwhile, it embraces the leading Sunni Islamic institution Al-Azhar, from which halachic rulings or religious fatwas are issued in various contexts of Muslim life, and which it nurtures even more strongly the imam who stands at its head as one whose words carry great religious (and hence political) weight in the entire Muslim world. The Iranian subversion of regional hegemony and increasing its influence in the region is incompatible with the ambitions of the Egyptian leadership.

In recent years, the Ayatollah regime has increased and quietly begun to engage in “preserving” the graves of the Shia saints in Jordan, especially those close to the common border between Jordan and Israel. This phenomenon also did not receive special attention in the Israeli media. The Jordanian regime, which has experienced increasing weakness in recent decades against the background of the shaky economy, the swarms of refugees that have been flocking to it from Syria in recent years and many Palestinian citizens whom the Hamas leadership enjoys inciting from its seat in Gaza, is finding it difficult to deal with the phenomenon. As someone who believes in the continued protection of the holy places of Islam, and in the meantime the Al-Aqsa Mosque, it is difficult to imagine that King Abdullah of Jordan is sleeping peacefully in the face of the ongoing Iranian attempt to strengthen Tehran’s grip on his kingdom, also through the strengthening of Hamas and its incessant attempts to “steal” the Jordanian royal family’s ownership On al-Aqsa.

But the current Iranian leadership, which is not content with raping, imprisoning, hanging and abusing Iranian women, but has recently begun, in a burst of draconian and especially sick creativity, to remove the right eye of the most beautiful of Iranian women as a warning to the opponents of the government, and to poison thousands of teenage Iranian schoolgirls as revenge for the uprising against the regime, strives To increase its influence here as well – in Israel.

Thus, quietly and under the radar, a “blue-white” Shiite core is growing for him in the State of Israel, and for the protection of the hearts of the great Arab imams, the Sunni citizens of the State of Israel. Silent preaching of the Shia Islamic path, the growth of nuclei supporting the Alevi regime in Syria and the one that rules Iran is no longer an illusion and unknown in the Arab society in Israel, and of course also among the heads of the Arab authorities in the northern part of the State of Israel, including in Nazareth and other places.

The deeper the internal divisions in the State of Israel, the easier will be the Iranian quest to strengthen the same nucleus mentioned above. At the same time, as long as Arab society continues to be a marginal entity, far from the eyes of the media and the government, parts of it could easily become a tool in the hands of hostile entities such as Iran. As was done in other countries in the region, where the riots and rifts were exploited to the fullest by the Iranian regime, the same will be done here. If only we allow it.

The Iranian regime has proven time and time again that it does not seek any means to achieve the goal – regional hegemony – and what is better than being the Muslim factor that will succeed in “saving” Al-Aqsa from the Zionists? Anyone who does not resent the mass poisoning of schoolgirls, the gouging out of women’s eyes, the killing of Muslims in the Gulf by arming the Houthis in Yemen, and the murder of Ukrainian citizens by means of advanced technology in a war not for him, will not even for a moment resent collapsing the “Zionist entity” on its inhabitants. Better come to your senses and wake up before it’s too late.

The author is a former Knesset member

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