Celec declared void a basic contract for the Coca Codo Sinclair hydroelectric plant – 2024-05-26 16:20:08

by times news cr

2024-05-26 16:20:08

Though the shortage of upkeep may trigger flooding on the hydroelectric plant, Celec has not but restarted the contracting course of, in line with Public Procurement system data.

The Electrical Company of Ecuador (Celec) declared void the tender to contract the sediment removing service within the discharge space of ​​the Hydroelectric Energy Plant Coca Elbow Sinclair for an quantity of USD 779 thousand, on February 15, 2024.

The buildup of sediments “is a continuing menace to the paralysis of hydroelectric technology” ​​of Coca Elbow Sinclair, in line with a doc within the Public Procurement system. Coca Codo Sinclair, with an put in capability of 1,500 megawatts, is the most important hydroelectric plant within the nation. Positioned on the border between the Amazonian provinces of Napo and Sucumbíos, it was inaugurated in November 2016 and price USD 2.3 billion.

The Coca River, important for the operation of the hydroelectric plant, is affected by an uncommon pure phenomenon of regressive erosion, producing uncertainty concerning the operations of the hydroelectric plant.

On the finish of 2023, a Celec report, which justified the contract for the removing of sediments, warned of the necessity for upkeep on the hydroelectric plant because of the results of regressive erosion within the Coca River, which has generated instability of the slopes and , consequently, an accumulation of sediments on the discharge website of the Powerhouse Coca Elbow Sinclair.

“One of many results is the progressive accumulation of sediments on the website of the Powerhouse Discharge of the Hydroelectric Energy Plant. Coca Elbow Sinclairwhich constitutes a continuing menace to the paralysis of hydroelectric technology, because of the elevation of the channel influenced by the pulses of sediments carried to the confluence of the turbined waters on the level of restitution to the Coca River,” warns the report on the necessity for hiring, October 2023.

The Casa de Machines discharge is positioned roughly 67 kilometers downstream from the water assortment work and 48 kilometers from the previous San Rafael waterfall.

In line with the technical report, the corporate that received the contract needed to take away 174,324 cubic meters of sediment from the mattress of the Coca River, in order that this materials may very well be deposited in an area referred to as the waste dump. However this is not going to occur for now, because the hiring course of was declared void.

The report insists on the significance of eradicating sediments from that space, as a result of, in flood situations of the Coca River, the quantity of deposits within the space will increase.

“Subsequently, the intervention have to be periodic,” as it’s crucial to take action to “preserve the river mattress at an sufficient degree in order that the discharge operates appropriately,” the report states.

Celec – within the report – acknowledges that, beforehand, a number of contracts have been concluded for the removing of sediment from that space.

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