Celestial Showdown: Perseid Meteor Shower Peaks Tonight Amid Typhoon Threat in Japan

by time news

Summary of ⁤Perseid‍ Meteor‍ Shower ⁣Article


  • The Perseid meteor shower peaks in⁤ mid-August and is considered⁣ the best meteor shower of the year.
  • The article discusses the expected number of meteors, characteristics, and weather conditions for observation.

Key Points:

  • Expected Number‍ of Meteors:

‍ – Around⁢ 40 meteors per hour can be⁣ seen in a dark area with⁢ clear skies.
– The number ‍of​ meteors increases ​later in the night as the radiant point rises⁤ high in the sky.

  • Characteristics:

– Many bright meteors, some ⁢leaving ​trails.
– ​A ⁢rare meteor shower during warm weather.

  • Weather Conditions:

‌ – Typhoon‍ No. ⁤5 may ⁣limit the areas where the meteor shower can be observed.
⁣ – Cloud cover is expected nationwide, but gaps ​may allow for observation in some areas.

  • Best⁤ Viewing:

– ⁤Late night on August 12 (Monday) to early morning on⁤ August 13 (Tuesday).
– Best viewing ⁣in areas ⁤with clear skies, such as ⁣northern Hokkaido, southern Kanto, parts of⁣ western Japan, and ⁤the southwestern islands.


The Perseid meteor ‍shower ⁢is a spectacular natural phenomenon that offers a​ unique opportunity to​ witness the beauty of the ‍cosmos. While weather ​conditions may​ be less than‌ ideal due ⁤to ⁣Typhoon No. 5,⁣ there is still a chance to catch a glimpse of these dazzling lights.

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