Cell phones can “tell” driving violations, says research

by time news

2024-01-31 02:00:01

Cell phone use leads to distraction that can be fatal Los Angeles Times/Reproduction Cell phone use unfortunately occurs indiscriminately while driving, which can result in serious accidents. And the same technology that makes people’s lives easier can also be used to “tell” attention failures that resulted in accidents. Cell phone use unfortunately occurs indiscriminately behind the wheel Internet/Reproduction With the use of GPS, motion sensors and impact detection, cell phones are one step closer to serving as a record to detect drivers’ leniency before a collision or impact with the vehicle. However, legislation currently does not allow this data to be shared with authorities. Warning about cell phone use in an article by ABC ABC News/Reproduction A survey by the University of Utah, in conjunction with the NHTSA, which is the federal safety agency in the United States, shows that up to 20% of people use their cell phone while driving to access social networks, play games, watch videos and write messages. David Strayer, one of the scientists involved in the research, says that “it is now possible to detect whether the driver had his face close to his cell phone before an accident”. The study was published in an article in The New York Times. Internet/Reproduction The study shows that tracking technology can now detect not only the geographic position, but the last applications, websites or even games that were accessed by the user with precision of seconds. This data cannot be included in accident investigations for legal reasons. Accident caused by distraction Los Angeles Times/Reproduction In the USA, there are already cameras capable of detecting cell phone use to fine drivers, just like in Brazil, but this is the only evidence that can be used to incriminate a driver for using the device while driving . But Strayer goes further and says that “the cell phone leaves clues like breadcrumbs about the use of the device moments before an impact” and that changes in the law could facilitate the use of this data in investigations. NEW MULTIMEDIA UCONNECT NOVA STRADA – how does it work? See the video! Statistically in 2021, only 1% of 377 fatal accidents that occurred on North American roads had cell phone use as the cause of a serious accident. But the number is much higher according to this university study. This is because those involved in accidents rarely accept distraction caused by cell phone use. This makes it difficult to obtain more reliable statistics on accidents caused by human error.
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