CEPYME warns at the meeting of the European employers’ association SMEunited about the effects of the sharp increase in costs on Spanish SMEs

by time news

The vice president of CEPYME, Mª Helena de Felipe, who also holds the executive vice-presidency of SMEunited with competences in Social Affairs, and the general secretary of this Confederation, Luis Aribayos, have participated in the meeting of the executive committee of the association of European SMEs , SMEunited, which has been held in Munich.

In this meeting, in which representatives of European SME organizations that are part of the SMEunited Management Committee have participated, CEPYME has exposed the situation of Spanish SMEs, stressing the sharp increase in costs, around 23% that they are assuming as a consequence of the inflationary crisis, which is having a negative impact on their profitability and competitiveness.

Likewise, they have had an impact on the problems that low productivity and excessive regulatory bureaucracy represent for Spanish companies, which means an increase in costs for SMEs.

The representatives of CEPYME have transferred to the rest of the members of the SMEunited Committee the proposals of the Spanish Confederation of SMEs to promote the growth of companies and improve their competitiveness, as well as to combat late payment, one of the main problems that afflict companies and which, for some time, has been one of CEPYME’s priority areas of action. In this sense, just a few weeks ago, the members of the CEPYME Observatory on Late Payment presented to the European Commission the proposals of Spanish companies regarding the new directive on late payment.

Likewise, CEPYME has advanced with SMEunited the organization of a joint conference on standardization scheduled for the second semester of this year, coinciding with the semester of the Spanish presidency of the European Council.

PHOTO CAPTION: The Executive Vice President of SMEunited and Vice President of CEPYME, together with the President of SMEunited, representatives of SMEs from Belgium, Austria, Germany and Italy and the President of Pimec.

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