Cereals, fertilizers, energy: how to avoid a famine in Africa?

by time news

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For several weeks, the planet has been living to the rhythm of the consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Shaken markets, starting with that of cereals, wheat in particular, essential for making bread. The effects are powerful and devastating on African economies, already weakened by Covid, and on populations threatened by a new major food crisis. Added to this are the cost of freight, energy prices and global inflation. And the question of fertilizers, which are just as essential for agricultural production.

The problem of food security and supply is therefore resurfacing in Africa, and with it, that of the continent’s dependence on major producing countries. How to restore food sovereignty? Éco d’ici, Éco d’ailleurs gives the floor to experts.

Our guests :

– Thierry Pouch, chief economist at the Chambers of Agriculture in France, specialist in agricultural and food issues, researcher at the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, author of ” The pandemic and agriculture. A virus, accelerating mutations” (French agricultural editions)

– Karima Bounemra Ben Soltane, Director of IDEP (African Institute for Economic Development and Planning)

– Issaka Ouandaogo, head of the Influencing Unit at Oxfam Burkina Faso.

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