Chabeli Navarro’s lawyer talks about the alleged confidentiality contract with Bertín Osborne

by time news

2023-07-22 15:41:04

Did Bertín Osborne and Chabeli Navarro sign a confidentiality agreement?

The lawyer did not want to confirm or deny that this contract exists:

“Apparently, the lawyer who was handling the case has confirmed it, with which, there you have the answer,” said José Manuel Moreno.

Jose Manuel Moreno ensures that the reason for which his client, Chabeli Navarro, went to court at the beginning of July had nothing to do with Bertín Osborne or with the supposed confidentiality contract that they would have signed after their relationship. But Does this contract exist? Are you studying how to cancel it?

“He comes for other reasons that are why this lady contacts our law firm, the subject of Bertín has come a posteriori”, pointed out the lawyer in ‘Así es la vida’.

How could a contract be voided? And revoke the powers?

“No contract has been cancelled, In a contract, a party does not go to court to tell his honor that,” he insisted and, given the possibility that he had gone to revoke the powers that he would have granted to other people to affirm this contract, the lawyer explained that the procedure to do so is different: Just as powers of attorney are given at a notary, they are revoked in the same place.

But how would a contract be annulled? would have to file legal proceedings to request the nullity of the contract and, when asked if it had been done, the lawyer replied: “At the moment no judicial procedure has been filed to request annulment, The correct way to do it is being seen”.

Of course, the lawyer did not want to confirm or deny that this contract exists: “This morning, apparently, the previous lawyer who carried it out has affirmed it. With which, this part neither my client nor we have said anything or we have pronounced ourselves, but apparently, the lawyer who took the case has confirmed it, with which, there you have the answer “.


#Chabeli #Navarros #lawyer #talks #alleged #confidentiality #contract #Bertín #Osborne

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