Change: How much will the pay rise be this year? – Companies that want to retain employees | Salary Hike Of 8-12% On Average Likely: Companies that want to retain employees

by time news

New Delhi: In an environment where many people around the world lost their jobs during the Corona epidemic, there are now qualified and talented people who need to be paid extra and retained. Companies Seems to like. It has been reported this year that there will be higher pay rises and higher employment in any sector and in any sector.

Due to the economic crisis during the corona epidemic Companies The staff was sent home. Includes pay cuts for existing employees. The administrative cost to companies is lower as employees work from home even after the situation has gradually improved.

Many Companies Large offices have been vacated and converted into smaller offices that simply have a conference room and a room to maintain a computer server. Currently, the economic situation is accelerating as fears of corona spread.

The changing environment after the corona

Employees working in companies have resigned en masse since last year as if the wheel of time does not always turn in favor of one party. In particular, a large number of middle-class officers left. This situation was echoed not only in developed countries like the United States but also in developing countries including India.

Employee resignations occurred not only in one sector but also in many other sectors. Anthony Glotts, a professor in the US state of Texas, described the Great Resignation as a big resignation in Tamil.

Last year alone, 4.70 crore people resigned in the United States. The Peruvian resignation, which began in early 2021, continues this year. Thus additional privileges to retain employees and Salary increase Studies show that it is being offered this year.

With the start of the new financial year, there will be more employment in any sector this year. Salary increase Information has been released. India Inc., a private research firm, says it is likely to offer an average 9 per cent pay rise this year.

The report said that there is a positive investment outlook, especially in manufacturing and infrastructure development, and there will be opportunities and wage increases in those sectors. ,

Similarly this year, according to another international research firm Michael Page Salary Report 2022 Salary increase Reported to be 9 per cent. Even in the year before the epidemic of 2019 at 7 percent Salary increase It is currently 9 percent.

Start-up, IT departments

Startups, including unicorns, in new companies Salary increase It looks like it could be up to 12 percent. The report also said that higher wages and job creation in the banking and financial services sectors, including industry, property and construction, and manufacturing, could lead to higher wages.

The report also said that senior level engineers with a background in computer science would be better off bargaining for some of the highest paid jobs in India.


Demand for this specialty has grown significantly as a result of recent corporate scandals. Statistics professionals, researchers familiar with machine learning, web developers, cloud architects, etc. are in high demand. So it could lead to new employment, promotions and pay rises.

If you have a bachelor’s degree or master’s degree, there may be a high demand from a higher quality university. As usual the average salary of technicians is expected to be higher than those with similar educational qualifications in other work activities. Although this is an annual situation, the growth of the IT sector is immense at the moment, which may create additional buzz for them.

Up to 25%

Companies now offer a variety of offers, including short-term, quarterly or semi-annual, rating cycles, promotions, stock incentives, retention bonuses and interim increments. According to the Michael Page Salary Report 2022, companies need to retain the best performers.

Michael Page Managing Director Ankit Agarwal commented:

Fears about the spread of corona infection have almost spread. This has led to excitement about future business plans. 8 to 12 percent in general Salary increase May be. Above average, 20-25 percent of high-performing individuals and employees with key skills this year Salary increase To provide Companies Are ready.

Lack of talent

Most Companies Are keenly interested in retaining the best talent who can work in their company. The overall feeling is positive as there is a general feeling that we are out of contagion. Thus the selection of people is heating up in every company. The market has seen a great resurgence in attracting and hiring the best talent Companies Compete with each other.

This mega boost has been caused by a lack of people in need, a huge lack of talent and a lack of skills on demand. This will mainly play a key role in raising the salaries of talented employees. There is a huge shortage of such talent in the market as well. Thus there is an environment in which those with key, individual skills are currently receiving higher pay rises.

Thus he said.

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