ChatGPT becomes a weapon for hackers

by time news

2023-06-03 15:26:24

Targeted by the AI

Automated systems and language models are powerful tools in the hands of hackers.

(Foto: Getty Images [M])

San Francisco A few weeks ago, the intern at a medium-sized company in Düsseldorf received a WhatsApp message from her boss. The sender is easily recognizable by their profile picture and contact details. The boss allegedly has a problem and urgently needs Apple gift cards from the office. The intern wants to do everything right and sends photos of the voucher codes. But the messages came from scammers. The money, a total of 2500 euros, is gone.

The ploy may sound clumsy, but it was successful. Maybe it wouldn’t have happened to more experienced employees – but that’s changing. What lies ahead is much bigger and much more dangerous, says Jeetu Patel. He heads the cyber security department at US communications specialist Cisco. At the company building in San Francisco, where Cisco was founded four decades ago, Patel, together with Cisco CEO Chuck Robbins, welcomes a select group of journalists.

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