CHEAPEST SUPERMARKETS | These are the supermarkets where you can shop for less money

by time news

2023-09-29 23:59:00

Los prices have risen on average 14.1% in the last yearan increase that, together with that of 2022, means that the shopping basket has become 30.8% more expensive in the last two years, hence the importance of knowing which are the cheapest large chains and, according to the OCU, they are Family Cash, Alcampo, Supeco, Consum y Mercadona.

These are some of the conclusions of the study presented by the Organization of Consumers and Users, like every year, after visiting 1,108 establishments in 65 cities, in addition to online supermarkets.

From them they have collected 155,489 prices for a shopping basket made up of 236 products from sixteen categories, among them food and hygiene products and drugstores, as explained in a press conference by the OCU spokesperson, Enrique García, and the technician responsible for the supermarket study, Miguel Ángel Pascual. The establishments and cities with the cheapest basket

The cheapest of those visited are the Alcampo hypermarkets in Murcia and Coia in Vigo, and the most expensive are the Sánchez Romero superstores in Arturo Soria and Castelló in Madrid.

Price evolution of the main chains. FATHER

By local chains, the cheapest are Dani Supermarkets and Más Ahorro, Deza and Super Carmela. At regional level Tifer, Cash Fresh y Family and at a national level, the aforementioned: Family Cash, Alcampo, Supeco, Consum and Mercadona.

The national hypermarkets are the commercial format where it is cheapest to buy and Alcampo is the cheapest option in 23 cities of the studyalthough Mercadona is close behind, at 21, and Family Cash and Tifer are further away, at six each.

Las more expensive chains in the different areas -local, regional and national- they are, according to OCU, Sánchez Romero and El Economato; Condis and Caprabo, and Coaliment and Amazon, respectively.

The most economical cities are Teruel and Córdoba, as well as Castellón, Ciudad Real, Burgos, Vigo, Lugo, Zamora, Cádiz, Puertollano, Jerez de la Frontera, Cuenca and Palencia. On the other hand, Palma de Mallorca, Getxo, Madrid and, above all, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria are the most expensive.

Regarding the autonomous communitiess, La Rioja, Galicia and Murcia are the cheapest compared to the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands, the most expensive. Generalized increases

The 14.1 is the second largest price increase in the 35 years of the OCU study (the first was last year which reached 15.4%) and this increase has affected 90% of the products analyzed.

In this way, household spending on food has grown significantly, which is why consumers, as they have argued, have lost purchasing power and some have had to choose to buy processed products more frequently and fewer fresh products, and With this they have reduced the nutritional quality of their diet.

The price increase has reached all supermarkets, but not all chains have transferred it with the same intensity: the large chains that increased the most are E. Leclerc (16.8%), Supeco (15.8%), Carrefour Express (15.3%) and BM Urban (15.1%). The least: Eroski City (8.8%), Eroski (8.%) and Masymas (8%).

The products that have increased the most are sugar (65.7%), the condensed milk (61.4%), carrots (56.1%) and frozen French fries (49.7%) and onions (40%), while among the few that fall, sunflower oil stands out (-39. 8%), Canary Islands bananas (-34.8%), disposable razors (-22%) and fresh cheese (-21.2%). You can save

But despite these increases, the OCU has confirmed that buying in one community or another establishment can save an average of 1,056 euros, 6.2% more than last year.

These more than a thousand euros represent savings to be taken into account since they represent almost a fifth of the food budget of a typical household (17.5%).

Madrid (3.928 euros), Gijon (1.871), Valencia (1.814) y Zaragoza (1,773) are the cities where you can save the most depending on the supermarket you choose. Cuenca (430), Puertollano (507) and Cartagena (507), the least.

#CHEAPEST #SUPERMARKETS #supermarkets #shop #money

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