«Chiara will defend herself»- Corriere TV

by time news

2023-12-17 19:41:30

«It is strange that a few minutes ago the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni decided to go on stage to talk about the country’s priorities. Did he talk about unemployment or the maneuver they are doing with their ass or the tax pressure? No, you decided to say `be wary of people who work on the web’. This is the priority of our Prime Minister.”

Così Fedez replies with some stories on Instagram to Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni who from the Atreju stage had said: «The real model to follow is not only the influencers who make tons of money by wearing clothes, showing bags or even promoting dear panettoni with whom it is made to believe that charity will be done”.

“Chiara will appeal the sentence and does not have immunity like Santanché” Fedez then continued talking about the Balocco panettone affair for which Ferragni was fined by Antirust.

December 17, 2023 – Updated December 17, 2023, 10:59 pm


#Chiara #defend #Corriere

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