Chile: Gabriel Boric leads the polls ahead of the December 19 ballot | The leftist candidate received the support of more than 100 Chilean mayors

by time news

Polls ahead of the December 19 ballot in Chile indicate that the leftist candidate Gabriel Boric would get 54 percent of the votes in front of the 46 percent of the far-right candidate, José Antonio Kast. Both candidates confirmed their participation in the program that former candidate Franco Parisi broadcasts on social networks. Meanwhile, Boric received the support of more than 100 mayors from all over the country and 400 members of religious congregations who in turn indicated “It is not possible to look at reality from the balcony of neutrality.”

According to the consultancy Criteria, the latest data from his poll place the candidate of Approve Dignity with 8 points above the Pinochetista Kast. Meanwhile, a survey by the Citizen Pulse indicates that Boric manages to capture the votes of the former candidates of the left and center-left, as well as the votes of the electorate that voted for Franco Parisi, which in the first round was placed in third place with 12.8 percent.

Endorsement of 110 mayors

For his part, Boric continues to add support to his presidential candidacy. This Thursday a group of 110 mayors supported the candidate of Approve Dignity. “We are at a crucial moment for our country. We have lived through an institutional crisis, a Pandemic and decades of inequality, which have hit millions of Chileans hard. If changes are not made responsibly, the crisis we are experiencing today will continue to prolong, “they assured in a signed letter. According to the newspaper, The counter, the letter was signed by Claudia Pizarro (La Pintana), Claudio Castro (Renca), Irací Hassler (Santiago), Jorge Sharp (Valparaíso), Daniel Jadue (Recoleta), Emilia Ríos (Ñuñoa), Macarena Ripamonti (Viña del Mar) , and Roberto Neira (Temuco).

“As mayors and mayors we know the real Chile. We live its diversity from sea to mountain range, rural and urban. We visit our neighborhoods and towns every day, witnessing, with pain, the enormous territorial inequality that exists in our country”, They indicated in the letter in which they remarked that these territories became “sacrifice zones” due to the “ambition of a few and the omission of the State.” “Living well should be everyone’s right, not the privilege of some communes”, they indicated.

“Today we have the conviction that with Gabriel Boric we will build the new Chile of dignity. We will advance with his future government in the construction of the decentralized country for which we have fought so much, hand in hand with a new legitimate and democratic Constitution,” they pointed out. In this sense, they stressed that “we are not in times of half measures or omissions. “For this reason, out of responsibility with the future, we deliver our strong and clear support for Gabriel Boric. Because it gives us hope and because it represents the only project that advances towards the Chile of dignity, with rights, with justice and security for all, “they concluded in the statement.

“It is not possible to be silent at the moment”

The Approve Dignity candidate also received the support of more than 400 members of religious movements and congregations (mainly Catholic) who expressed their support for Boric. In a letter entitled “They will not steal our hope” expressed their support for the leftist candidate Gabriel Boric.

“It is not possible to remain silent in these moments that we live as a country. It is not possible to look at reality from the balcony of neutrality. That is why we want to publicly express our adherence to the ecological and territorial feminist open dialogue collective project expressed in the candidacy of Gabriel Boric “, they stated.

“What moves us, and even more so in this season of Advent that is beginning, is hope. Hope in a country of brothers and sisters, hope in the possibility of generating a society that is increasingly inclusive, dialogue, compassionate and full of goodness, that it is verified in a more equitable tax system and that diminishes so many privileges of the richest and most powerful of our country, “they added.

Meanwhile, Gabriel Boric confirmed his participation in the program of the former candidate of the People’s party, Franco Parisi. From the United States, where he campaigned for the Chilean presidency in the first round, Parisi invited Boric and Kast to participate in his program to “discuss proposals”. The candidate of the left will participate next Tuesday, December 7, while Kast will be in the program on Sunday 5. Parisi’s party has a program that transmits on social networks called “Bad Boys” (bad boys). The most recent publication had more than 7 thousand views and 122 thousand views on Facebook.

The Boric’s campaign manager, Izkia Siches, former president of the Medical College of Chile He referred to the activities that the Dignity Approve candidate will have in the weeks prior to the December 19 ballot. “Siches clarified that the campaign will have a strong regionalist focus and that the priority is to listen to people throughout Chile“, Said the media The Clinic.


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