China criticizes the “conflictive” G7 summit: “They are a club of rich people who live oblivious to the current multipolar reality”

by time news

2023-05-21 08:43:43


He has warned that the only thing they are going to achieve is “undermine regional stability and stop the development of other countries”

Zelensky with Joe Biden at the G7.BRENDAN SMIALOWSKIAFP

The leaders of the seven richest democracies in the world have come to the conclusion this weekend that they must reduce their economic dependence on Chinawho strains the pockets of his partners and friends, disturbs stability in the region and also, within his home, does not respect human rights, as has been seen with the Uyghur Muslim minority in Xinjiangwith the Tbet or crushing freedoms in Hong Kong.

Released during the second session of their summit in Hiroshimathe final communiqué of the G7. As expected, since nice They have wanted to respond by reading the primer to the group, emphasizing above all that, with these statements, the only thing they are going to achieve is “undermine regional stability and slow down the development of other countries.”

For Beijing, in words transmitted to this newspaper on Sunday by an official of the chinese foreign ministrythe G7 is nothing more than “a club of rich people who live outside the current multipolar reality and who believe that the fate of many can only be decided by them, also imposing their rules according to their vision of things, when the world revolves around of different sensitivities.

If one wants to hear China’s official response, there are the statements of Wang Wenbi, spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, who spoke after the G7 released its statement, pointing out, above all, China’s “economic coercion” in a long section. “The G7 claims to make high-sounding claims about promoting a peaceful, stable and prosperous world, but what it does is hinder international peace,” Wang said.

“The G7 used China-related issues to smear and attack us and blatantly interfere in our internal affairs,” the spokesperson continued. Regarding “economic coercion”, the spokeswoman pointed to the US target to say that Washington it is “the real coercion that politicizes and weapons of economic and commercial relations.”

Wang also took a few minutes to criticize that the G7 is “supporting the independence of Taiwan“, something that will have a “serious impact on peace”, while he dares to point out that the Chinese army is responsible for clouding stability in the strait that separates mainland China from the island that the regime of Xi Jinping considered a breakaway island.

Beijing was also not amused that the G7 issued a warning about China’s “accelerated nuclear arsenal”, since the Asian giant is “the only one among the five nuclear weapon states that has committed to a defensive nuclear strategy and has complied with it.” his promise not to be the first to use nuclear weapons.

Beyond words, Beijing’s tantrum over the G7 communiqué was transferred to the Chinese embassies in Japan, UK and Canadawhere the Chinese delegations also protested what they defined as a “manipulation of China-related issues” by the G7, who, according to Beijing, remain anchored in a “mentality of War Between“.

The line of the official response from Beijing has also been traced in the last two days by the Chinese media controlled by the ruling communist party. The Global Times, for example, a newspaper that is published in English, defined the Hiroshima summit as “divided and conflictive” as a result of the protests that have taken place in the Japanese city throughout the summit.

A few hundred people have demonstrated calling on the leaders to reach an agreement for nuclear disarmament. That, for other Chinese state media such as China Daily, amounted to a “mass protest” against the G7.

During the summit in Japan, Chinese President Xi Jinping has been entertained by hosting a regional summit with the countries of Asia Centralan area traditionally dominated by Russiabut where the influence of Beijing advances taking advantage of the fact that Moscow is weak and distracted with Ukraine.

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