Cholesterol, food can replace drugs. that’s how

by time news

Cholesterol, with food rapid and highly significant reductions

The high cholesterol hits nearly 94 million Americans e 1 in 2 adults over the age of 50 and represents one of the main risk factors for the heart disease. While most doctors are ready to prescribe medications (like the statins) for processing, a new study indicates a effective food-based alternative especially for those who are concerned about side effects of drugs.

An innovative study, published in the Journal of Nutrition, has shown that for many individuals a “food as medicine“can be as effective as drugs to lower the cholesterol, without the need for drastic lifestyle changes. “Based on the results observed in our study, using this type of food as a therapeutic approach expands the options for medical professionals and patients,” he said. Stephen Kopecky, cardiologist and director of the Statin Intolerance Clinic at the Mayo Clinic.

Many patients unwilling or unable to take statins can manage their high cholesterol or hyperlipidemia with dietary intervention“. By replacing only a small portion of what the hyperlipidemic patients were eating with Step One Foods (a twice daily dosed food system with precisely formulated products to help reduce the LDL cholesterol), the researchers found rapid and highly significant reductions in cholesterol.

Eventually, the attendees saw one average decrease of 9% of LDL cholesterol (bad) within 30 days, with some experiencing reductions in LDL cholesterol by more than 30%.

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