Christian rebels against time

by time news

2023-10-14 17:44:29

He knows he is unique and his scoring figures keep his ego intact despite having left the big European stage months ago to turn his career around. At 38 years old, Cristiano Ronaldo maintains that impeccable body that makes every game rebel against time, which he challenges with every goal. The Al-Nassr player from Saudi Arabia completed 200 caps for Portugal against Slovakia, and celebrated it with a double in Do Dragao (3-2) and qualification for his sixth European Championship after 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2021. A unprecedented milestone.

The Portuguese, five-time winner of the Ballon d’Or, is happy again with Portugal after the team, or rather, Fernando Santos, who led the team in the last World Cup in Qatar, abandoned him in the middle of the championship, forgetting the services previously provided. The shadow of his retirement crossed the football world, but now few think about it. The striker returned to the starting lineup with the red and green uniform of the Portuguese team in March, with the Spaniard Roberto Martínez piloting the striker’s epilogue with his country’s team and he needed little to make peace as well as demonstrate that he had not yet has finished impressing internationally.

Time admits no rival but Cristiano constantly rises up to continue proving that he is a winner. Reality put him out of Juventus in Turin towards Manchester United, where the ego betrayed the myth and he lived the worst months of his sporting career. His rejection of his decline led him to Arab football after a lucrative agreement and living a second youth with Portugal.

Enjoy the moment

«As I said before, some things that happened in my life, both professional and personal, now make me think about the short term. I can’t think any other way. ‘Oh, I’m going to play until I’m 41,42…’. I don’t have those goals. It’s about enjoying the moment. It’s a good time, I feel good. My body is responding to what I have been fighting for the last few years and I am enjoying the moment. I am happy with both my club and the national team. Things have been going well. “I have scored many goals, I feel good physically and I am enjoying the moment.”

The Madeira star has 38 goals so far in 2023, only one behind Ering Haaland and three more than Kylian Mbappé. Furthermore, since the arrival of Roberto Martínez to the Portuguese national team, the Portuguese star has scored seven goals in six games that increase the number to 125 goals in all of his appearances with the Seleção das Quinas. Nobody has scored more defending his country than the Portuguese star.

The former Real Madrid striker, a club for which he is its all-time leading scorer, reached 857 goals in his career (with clubs and national team) with his double against Slovakia and was asked if he sees himself capable of reaching the round figure of 1,000 points: «It’s going to be quite difficult, but it’s about seeing how I am mentally, my motivation. If physically my legs treat me as well as I treat them… We’ll see, they are small stages. Until we reach 1,000, we first have to reach 900. I think I will achieve that. He has 43 points left for his next goal.

#Christian #rebels #time

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