Clashes erupt again near flashpoint Jerusalem holy site || Palestinians throwing stones at Jews in the Holy Land of Jerusalem; Many injured!

by time news

At least 152 Palestinians have been wounded in a brutal homicide attack on Israeli police.

Record: April 17, 2022 19:01


The Al-Aqsa Mosque complex is located in the Old City of Jerusalem, in the Israeli-occupied area of ​​East Jerusalem. This site is considered to be one of the most important holy sites for both Muslims and Jews.

Last Friday, 152 Palestinians were wounded in a brutal homicide attack here with Israeli police.

Over the past 4 weeks, there has been a major issue erupting with some attacks by Palestinian civilians in Israel.

In this case, the Israeli police were informed last night that the Palestinians had blocked their way with stones and drums to prevent the Jews from entering the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Police in riot gear stormed a rally on Friday, removing hundreds of Palestinians from the mosque. Many of those Palestinians were inside the mosque. They brought from there and chanted that God is the best.

Also, Israeli police said that Palestinians attacked the mosque premises using explosives.

On the other hand, the Palestinian Red Crescent Medical Service said 17 Palestinians were injured in the police attack, five of whom were hospitalized.

Meanwhile, Jews who came to worship there were attacked by Palestinians throwing stones at buses. It was stopped by the police. The Israeli Emergency Medical Service said 14 Jews were injured, including a 14-year-old Jewish boy and a bus driver.

Police said two Palestinians were arrested in connection with the incident.

Moreover, Israeli police accused the Palestinians of spreading false information on social media and escalating tensions.

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