Close of the omicron with more mutations: all the details on the new variant

by time news

Dr. Dorit Nitzan, Who is responsible for emergency preparedness at the World Health Organization, spoke today (Wednesday) with Ben Caspit and Winon Magal about the jump in morbidity around the world, and the new variant that has been identified. “The situation in most European countries is quite turbulent, in South Africa we are seeing a stabilization and in countries like the Americas and Southeast Asia there is a lot of flare-ups,” he said on 103FM.

Asked about the new sub-strain that came from Cameroon to the south of France, she explained: “The thing is, the strain that was discovered in Marseille and probably came from Cameroon, according to this hypothesis – this strain is not really omicron, with more mutations. He is a safe relative. ” Dr. Nitzan stressed that “we hope that one of the future varieties will be the miracle of us all, right now the Omicron is hitting entire countries – health systems, trains, all essential services in an emergency because 15-10 percent of workers are sick. It is difficult, very difficult. “

“It’s chaos,” the senior added, “when we look at it, it’s time to look globally and see this virus as a common enemy for all of us and to organize at a global level, because if we leave behind unvaccinated countries or unvaccinated populations, I’m not talking about a small number of people. “Refuse vaccines but whole populations that are inaccessible and especially among people with various diseases like HIV or those that cause the virus to create mutations, I think we will not be able to get rid of it.”

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Omicron spread – The number of corona patients in the UK continues to break records. Photo: Reuters

It will not pass until we have treated the Third World countries?
“Exactly, the World Health Organization, and we all see where the new variants are emerging from a global perspective, and obviously they come from weak populations, in poor nutritional status, or among unvaccinated populations because they do not have access to vaccines. “Against a virus, we will not succeed.”

The current wave has not passed in Europe?
“The wave did not pass in Europe but it will pass. Only what will come after it?”.

Assisted in the preparation of the article: Ofri Glichman, 103fm


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