CNE knocked down the candidacy of Tulio Gómez for the Governor of Valle, why?

by time news

2023-09-26 00:32:54

Tulio Gómez is a majority shareholder of América de Cali and aspiring governor of the department of Valle. However, his intentions to hold public office hang in the balance due to a ruling by the National Electoral Council (CNE).

With a vote of 6-3, the judges of the National Electoral Council determined, in the first instance, that Tulio Gómez was disqualified from participating as a candidate in the elections on October 29. The presentation was by former senator Julio César Lorduy of Cambio Radical.

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Gómez registered as a candidate on July 27 with the endorsement of the Green Party, the Colombian Ecologist Party and the En Marcha movement.

His departure from the race has to do with three contracts that he signed with the Cali Sports Secretariat – he as the legal representative of América – to rent the Pascual Guerrero stadium. Citizen Guillermo Lombana Zapata considered this action as grounds for disqualification and sued: so far it seems that the CNE will agree with the complainant.

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“I am not a State contractor, they want to disqualify me for a location that they were going to rent to us for the América store in Cali, but said location was not the one we needed, therefore, the contract was not finalized, they should defeat me in the elections.” ballot boxes, not with tricks,” Gómez said on his social networks.

Tulio Gómez’s defense may appeal the ruling and request a new review by the CNE magistrates. From his party they have already announced that they will seek to challenge the magistrate who made the decision.

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