Coimbatore | 2 toilets in same room of public toilet complex: Municipal Commissioner Description | 2 toilets in same room in public toilet complex

by time news

Coimbatore: The Coimbatore Corporation Commissioner has given an explanation regarding the issue of 2 toilet bowls being set up in the same room in the public toilet complex in Amman Pool.

A large number of people live in Ammankulam area under Ward 66 of Coimbatore Corporation. A public toilet was built in 1995 on behalf of the Corporation in one place of this area. Only one room of this closet had 2 closets. The room had no doors. A photo of two closets in one room has gone viral on social media.

Public comments were posted on social media demanding that action should be taken against the contractors who constructed the toilet in such a way that no one could use it without proper planning. Corporation Commissioner (in-charge) Sharmila has given an explanation through a report. In his statement, “This toilet was built in 1995 in Ammankulam area.

It is built separately for men and women. There are no doors installed in the toilet for children, because children have to use this toilet under the supervision of adults, and if there are doors, children cannot come out after being pushed inside.

Repairs and maintenance works are in progress in this toilet. As the toilet set up for use by children is not in use, it has been decided earlier to convert it into a urinal for adults and the work is being carried out. Soon this work will be completed and brought to public use,” it has been said.

Regarding this, the Corporation officials said, “The 2 toilet structures in this room have also been removed. The place has been leveled and structures have been set up for adults to urinate in that room,” they said.

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