Colombia: delivery of three people in the Northeast of Antioquia

by time news

2023-09-10 20:00:00

“We developed this operation as part of our traditional role of protecting and assisting people who do not participate or have ceased to participate in armed conflicts. We facilitate the release of people who are in the hands of armed groups with a strictly humanitarian purpose and from our principle of neutrality,” said Ignacio San Román, head of the ICRC sub-delegation in Medellín.

The ICRC reiterates its call on all armed actors to respect international humanitarian law, which particularly protects the civilian population and those who have stopped participating in hostilities.

“We will maintain our bilateral and confidential dialogue with the armed actors to make them aware of the humanitarian consequences caused by armed conflicts. Likewise, we will continue to accompany the communities most affected by this reality,” emphasized San Román.

So far this year, the ICRC has facilitated the release of 50 people and reiterates its willingness to participate in this type of humanitarian operation.

#Colombia #delivery #people #Northeast #Antioquia

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