Column: Healthy school | GGD Kennemerland

by time news

Posted on: 06-07-2022 at 13:20
Last modified: 06-07-2022 at 13:33

In my last column I made an appeal to use our regained freedom wisely. Nobody is waiting for a new lockdown or stricter measures, so we would do well to continue to observe the basic rules to ensure that absenteeism (especially in healthcare) does not increase further. At the same time, we need to think more about the long-term approach and what we still need to do.

Schools are an important part of this. Not so long ago, all schools had to close their doors, with dire consequences for the students. This was evident from the startling figures from our health monitor. Fortunately, we see the (mental) well-being of pupils and students increasingly high on the agenda.

Structural attention for young people

Queen Maxima, for example, was recently in Kennemerland for a visit to the Nova College in Beverwijk. She was there in response to the increased mental problems among young people. Structural attention to the mental well-being of young people is important. There is a danger that the focus on the subject will fade in many schools after the pandemic. One of our employees involved in the Healthy School project also provided valuable input.

Tools for schools

This network has developed tools that enable schools to work with themes such as nutrition, exercise and media literacy. When the research results on the health of young people were published, we indicated that something really needs to be done now. Now it seems fortunate that things are getting underway and getting the attention they deserve. Is your child’s school already a Healthy School? Be sure to ask! As GGD Kennemerland, we argue that every school should join this. For a healthy childhood, especially now.

Column by Director of Public Health Bert van de Velden.

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