Comfenalco Antioquia brings well-being to the East 2024-05-09 13:42:58

by time news

Comfenalco Antioquia is a brand recognized by Antioquia families, because in everyone’s memories is that of the Caja that has provided them well-being through programs and services in areas such as education, recreation, culture, housing, tourism social, credit and, of course, family allowance.

With 67 years of institutional life, for 29 years Comfenalco Antioquia, the savings bank for everyone and for everyone, has served the 23 municipalities of the Eastern region, either with its own offices or through a network of allies that enhance its offer of services.

Since 1987, it began its regionalization process, acquiring the Hotel Los Farallones in La Pintada. This strategy made them the first compensation fund in Antioquia to enter the hotel sector, thus giving low-income families the opportunity to enjoy a complete hotel experience.

This decision positively transformed the lives of hundreds of families.

In Rionegro, very close to the main park, there is the Services Unit, the Employment Agency and the educational headquarters.

An example of Comfenalco’s footprint in the East of Antioquia are the Quirama Campus Convention Center, in El Carmen de Viboral; toy libraries in Rionegro, El Carmen de Viboral and in San Luis; the Employment Office in La Ceja; the Los Salados Ecological Park, in El Retiro; the Piedras Blancas Hotel and Ecological Park, in Guarne, and the alliance with the La Macarena Club of Rionegro.

“The futuristic vision of the Caja was to leave the Aburrá Valley and arrive with a strong commitment, such as the creation of nine regional or service units, with epicenters. “This is how Comfenalco Antioquia inhabits the territories,”

explains Natalia Echeverri López, Comfenalco Antioquia Eastern Regional Manager.


Now Comfenalco Antioquia talks about social innovation, by improving processes and adopting new practices to improve people’s quality of life.

The concept of well-being also emerges in this new stage of the Fund, and specifically well-being centered on the human being, integral and collective.

“It is a topic that the Fund has been studying for many years with great allies at the national and international level. We work on well-being seriously and measure it through indicators that allow us to evaluate its impact and generate actions,” says the Eastern Regional Manager Comfenalco Antioquia, adding that well-being is linked to the theory of capabilities, because it becomes a decision of the person to live in well-being.

Natalia Echeverri, Eastern Regional Manager Comfenalco Antioquia.

2024-05-09 13:42:58

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