Composer from Peru confessed his love for Russia

by time news

2023-07-28 11:13:28

– Lorenzo, how did your love for Russia begin?

– My love began in the apartment of my grandmother Antonia and grandfather Leokadio on the maternal side, when I was not even four years old. The misunderstanding between me and my mother’s boyfriend contributed to the fact that I stayed with my grandparents. It was November 1961.

The rules in my family were as follows: grandfather, as the eldest, was always the first to start a topic of conversation during meals. One day he suddenly started talking about a Russian man who flew into space, about Yuri Gagarin. He described him so colorfully that I had an idea of ​​Gagarin as a celestial being. In addition, the Chosican sky at night is always clear and full of stars, which only contributed to my daydreaming. From that moment on, I tried to meet Russians: I asked my grandparents about them, they explained to me that these people are very developed and friendly.

The second person after Gagarin for me was Lev Yashin, the legendary Soviet goalkeeper. I saw it in one of the newspapers that my uncle brought home. Since the football stadium was located directly under the house where I lived, I quickly joined the football environment. Already at the age of seven, my friends and I organized a Tumix team of 12-13 boys. We started participating in local championships.

It was terribly interesting, then in Peru there were many such enthusiasts as we are. In 1969, the annual championship of children’s teams was held, in which, of course, we took part. I remember that championship for three reasons. Firstly, I became a scorer, scoring either 42 or 43 goals. Secondly, we took second place out of twenty-four teams. And thirdly, I was offered to play in a serious team at normal stadiums, noting my game.

Football stadium and the mountain that Lorenzo grew up on Photo: From the personal archive

But at the age of fifteen I got injured, “played out” as they say. Vision quickly deteriorated. I had to give up football, after which there was a void: it was not clear where to go. The second page of my life has begun.

– It was during this period that you got acquainted with music?

– Yes. One day, around January 1973, during the summer holidays, I passed by the house of my friend Frector Córdoba Roncal, who was very fond of playing the guitar. He saw me and we said hello. He says: “Lorenzo, where have you disappeared to?” I answered him: “I don’t know what to do” and something else like that. It turned out that he had two guitars: Frector was a musically gifted guy, he composed songs himself. He decided to overcome my blues with music, offered to play together.

We created the duet “Los Reales”, from July 1973 we began to perform in schools. A little later, Frector invited me to the Costa Verde ensemble, led by Javier Loyola.

The ensemble most often played at weddings, birthdays, and all night long, until six in the morning. All this, of course, was great and interesting, but I began to think about leaving: I didn’t like the atmosphere, you know, so “bohemian”, or something, everyone thoughtlessly drank and had fun. And I am a person brought up in a strict family, a believer, I still pray three times a day, all this bothered me, so I soon thanked the ensemble for the opportunity and left. Of course, I was dissuaded, but I was firm in my decision …

In the tenth grade, I became the head boy of the school. By the way, I was very fond of chemistry, in it I discovered other people worthy of admiration: Lomonosov and Mendeleev.

It’s been about two years since I started teaching. I read that there is advanced training for young teachers. I decided to try my luck, but there were very limited places.

Suddenly I remembered that Uncle Umberto, with whom I worked part-time during my school years, told me: you can go to the USSR by winning the competition. I also remembered the address of the Institute of Peruvian-Soviet Relations, and decided to go there on foot, asking passers-by: there was no money for a bus. It was the end of 1978.

Lorenzo De Chosica Photo: From the personal archive

In 1979, with friends, I created an ensemble of Latin American music, I led it. The ensemble was called Llaqtachaskinkuna, that is, “Messengers of the people”, they decided to take the name with meaning. We gathered in our free time, rehearsed after classes: I did not quit my job as a teacher.

On August 12, 1980, 2 hours before the start of the concert, I was called straight from the rehearsal to the Institute. A young boy came and said to me: “Lorenzo, Senora Juan Galaodo, vice-president of the institute, is calling you.”

In early September of the same year, I flew away.

Was it difficult to integrate into an unfamiliar society?

– Certainly. At first, like many others, it seemed to me that the letters of the Russian language were strange, as if turned upside down. But it took a closer look and everything fell into place. I was also lucky with a teacher at the Patrice Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University of Moscow (now RUDN), diligent studies were not in vain. Subsequently, in Peru, I returned there for four years and more, taught Russian. Surprisingly, there were many who wanted to, and I made good money on this.

– More specifically, what attracted you to Russia?

– People, culture, intellect. When I worked at the Peruvian university, I felt that there was not the level, my intellect demanded more. As soon as I arrived, I immediately plunged into the academic environment, there were more opportunities for development here ..

– In addition to performing Iberoamerican music and Russian romances, you write and perform your own songs. Is this a difficult process for you?

– No no. This one is always very interesting, I find special pleasure in it. I put on a lot of concerts of various kinds, some of them dedicated to Peru, introducing people to Latin American culture. While still a student at RUDN, I successfully participated in various festivals. By the way, my musical creativity is one more way to thank Russia for accepting me with open arms.

– What is the most important thing for you in life?

This is my family: daughters, wife, grandchildren. My position in life is displayed by two, so to speak, slogans. One of them is “¡Siempre Adelante!”, which means “Always forward!”, and “Ser útil al máxímo”, which means “Be as useful as possible.”

On July 25, the tenth solo concert of Lorenzo De Chosica, dedicated to the Independence Day of Peru, was held at the Library of Foreign Literature. The Peruvian musician performed both Iberoamerican compositions and Russian romances, as well as his own songs, which the audience greeted with applause. According to him, this is a great incentive to continue musical activities.

#Composer #Peru #confessed #love #Russia

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