Concentration in the Alfredo Cazabán to demand that they not suppress a Children’s line

by time news

2023-05-19 13:57:43

Willing to defend public education whatever the cost. The Association of Mothers and Fathers (ampa) of the Alfredo Cazabán Public School in Jaén has organized a protest rally against “the refusal of the Education Delegation to maintain the two units of the first year of Infant.” A situation that they define as “unfair” and for which “an immediate solution is urgently needed.” This ampa, which represents more than 600 families, has already made a first protest at the doors of Education, since “it does not agree with the arguments put forward by the Junta de Andalucía.”

They also warn that this action “is taking place throughout the province and in a general way”, with several public centers affected, and that they have joined the Alfredo Cazabán campaign in “the fight against the Delegation to maintain the units in the public education”, confirming from the ampa that “the applications exceed those planned for a unit, which is what they intend to leave at the Alfredo Cazabán school.” During the concentration, at the gates of the center, they have transferred that “it is not only a planning error on the part of the Delegation, but a joint action aimed at eliminating public education through its discrimination with the concerted one” .

«And when there are requests from children with specific needs for educational support. Can diversity be attended to in these circumstances?” they wonder. On the other hand, they have recalled that a line was already suppressed in 2018. “In barely five years we are going to go from three lines to a single one in Early Childhood Education,” they lament. On the other hand, they consider that this situation “would seriously harm all the projects that are underway at the school.”

For all these reasons, the ‘El Cazabito’ ampa “is obliged to make this protest to denounce the absolute discrimination that is being inflicted on public education and in favor of the concerted one.” “We demand a quality public education, that lines are not suppressed, that families are not discriminated against by taking away the option of choosing a public school and we demand political responsibilities for the lack of answers and arguments,” he says. Finally, they also warn that they are willing to continue with protests and mobilizations until a solution is reached.

#Concentration #Alfredo #Cazabán #demand #suppress #Childrens #line

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