Confused pandemic regulations – Our corona madness on the railways – Inland news

by time news

Berlin – The strike of the train drivers throws Germany into chaos!

In the middle of the holiday season, hundreds of thousands of travelers and commuters had to wait for hours at train stations, often crowded. Keep distance? Not possible. Then there was the emergency schedule with which the railway responded to the strike: Most of the trains and buses used were jam-packed!

Because of the strike, Deutsche Bahn unceremoniously whistled for the Corona safety and distance measures. “All seats can be reserved,” a spokeswoman told BILD. For the time being, there are no longer any free places to protect against Corona.

It was different a few weeks ago. But the Corona concept didn’t really make sense there either. Read what happened to the BILD reporter on the way to Sylt:

Corona madness in the train compartment

It’s crazy: When it comes to Corona rules, everyone apparently does what suits them best.

Even before the strike, we had stress with the railway rules. We, our three children and I are on our way on vacation. Five and a half hours drive from Berlin to Westerland.

We booked extra early, but were forced to reserve two compartments and sit separately – because of Corona. Even a phone call that we were family didn’t change anything.

Then suddenly complete strangers were put in our compartments – because of the new Corona rules.

So we swapped with another family, divided into two compartments, until we finally had our compartment to ourselves. In order to be forced to wear masks for five and a half hours (and despite the vaccination) with the compartment door closed. Because of Corona.

And because rules are obviously fundamentally more important than logical thinking …


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