consultations on pension reform resume, under pressure

by time news

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The consultation on the very thorny question of pensions resumes this Thursday, December 1 around Olivier Dussopt. The Minister of Labor receives the social partners for a third round of discussions over several days. In the meantime, the contours of the pension reform bill presented in January 2023 remain unclear and tension is high around the text.

« Any information circulating on any arbitration is rumor “. This is how the office of the Minister of Labor reacts when asked about the retirement age adopted in the final textreports Pierrick Bonno, from the political service of RFI. During the presidential campaign, Emmanuel Macron had promised to bring it to 65 before finally mentioning a decline to 64 by the end of his term, accompanied by an extension of the contribution period.

So what will the executive ultimately choose? “ 65 years is the roadmapexplains the government spokesperson. But consultations can make a difference “, adds Olivier Véran. And then, what to do with the question of arduous work and special diets?

Announcements before mid-December

Time is running out in any case, because the government promises announcements before the Christmas break, “ by the end of the second week of December “, specified the minister.

Once the bill has been presented to the Council of Ministers, the battle will not be won. The government will have to face fierce opposition in the Assembly. And go find allies, especially on the side of the Republicans who have already fixed their red lines and are waving the threat of a motion of censure in the event of a forced passage. An LR deputy sets the tone: “ The government absolutely needs us to push through its reform. Except that if we vote for it, we have nothing more to do in the opposition. »

► Also to listen: What reform for pensions?

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