CONSUMER WEEK Procon Assembly promotes educational programming in schools in Boa Vista | ALE-RR

by time news

With the beginning of Consumer Week this Monday (11), which has become yet another opportunity for commerce to encourage consumption, Procon Assembly, a consumer protection body of the Legislative Power of Roraima, offers lectures and educational activities for students of state schools in the west of Boa Vista from Tuesday (12) to Friday (15), with the aim of raising awareness among young people about their rights and responsibilities as consumers.

The director of Procon, Mileide Sobral, highlighted the importance of starting consumer education from the ground up, so that people can learn to make conscious purchasing decisions, recognize rights and protect themselves from abusive practices.

“You should start from elementary school to high school, and even college. With the exception of the Law course, colleges do not offer any subjects on consumer law. So, the idea is to start education at the base, in schools where you have access to young people who already have consumption habits. This way, you can start to change these habits and make them more conscious consumers”, explained the director.

The lectures will cover topics such as:

  • Consumer rights in the digital world: protection of personal data;

  • Online shopping and gaming: security, consumer rights and tips to avoid fraud;

  • Conscientious use of credit: financial planning, interest and abusive fees;

  • Consumption of products and services: misleading advertising, guarantee and right to exchange.

According to the director, the characteristics of today’s young people are different, as they have access to credit much more easily than other generations.

“Often, they already ignore the paper money part and use credit, debit cards or local transactions like Pix. Therefore, it is necessary to direct more attention to these young people so that they can make more conscious decisions”, added Mileide Sobral.

See the full schedule:

EMTI América Sarmento Ribeiro State School

Av. Raimundo Rodrigues Coelho – Pintolândia

Fagundes Varela State School

R. Macapá, 860 – New City

Tancredo Neves Militarized State College

R. Leôncio Barbosa, 1186 – Tancredo Neves

  • Friday (15.03 – Consumer Day), at 4pm

Voltaire Pinto Ribeiro State School

Av. São Joaquim, 1584 – Dr. Silvio Leite


Consumer Week is a period commemorating Consumer Day, celebrated on March 15th. Originally, the date was called World Consumer Rights Day. More than simple promotions, the week aims to make buyers aware of how to protect themselves and know their rights.

The origin of this celebration dates back to 1962, with the creation of Consumer Day by then American president John F. Kennedy.

Procon service

In case of doubts or problems with the services, the consumer can contact Procon Assembly, which operates from Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 6 pm, at the headquarters of the Superintendency of Special Programs, located at Avenida Ataíde Teive, 3510, Buritis neighborhood . It is also possible to seek assistance via WhatsApp (95) 98401-9465 and through the website

Text: Suellen Gurgel

Photos: Jader Souza


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