Controversy Surrounding Appointment Ranks in Kannur University Malayalam Studies Department

by time news

2024-02-06 15:51:18

Kannur University Malayalam Studies Department Associate Professor Dr. KPCTA has alleged that it is strange that the 3rd and 4th rankers in the list where Priya Varghese got the first rank were given higher appointments. “The third ranker was made Controller of Examinations in another university. The fourth ranker was made a member of the PSC. Priya Varghese’s list of rank-and-file people is strangely high.

The second ranker in the same list and petitioner against Priya’s appointment, Prof. Joseph Scaria got the first post of Professor in the University of Calicut but the Syndicate refused to appoint him. His petition regarding the appointment of professor is in the High Court. The new appointments are seen as a challenge to the candidates. -KPCTA Regional President Dr. Shino P. Jose said.

Save University Campaign Committee Chairman R.S. said that candidates were given other positions to appoint Priya Varghese. Sasikumar alleged.

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