Córdoba Joven Project: “With the loan we were able to strengthen our entrepreneurship” – Web de Noticias

by time news
  • These are the words of Arturo Brollo, who runs the “Los Talas” Establishment, in Colonia Caroya.
  • His enterprise is one of the beneficiaries of the Córdoba Joven Project program, which offers credits of up to 200 thousand pesos, at a 0% rate, for the promotion of productive activities related to local development, the Triple Impact and the Knowledge Economy.

The president of the Córdoba Joven Agency, Matías Anconetani, visited Colonia Caroya to visit the “Los Talas” Establishment. He is one of the beneficiaries of Young Cordoba Projectthe credit program carried out jointly with the Banco de Córdoba Foundation.

There he met Arturo Brollo, a 34-year-old Industrial Engineer who has been carrying out this enterprise aimed at raising sheep for the production of milk and its derivatives. It is a sustainable project that uses sheep guano as fertilizer for soil care and rotational grazing.

“Today we have approximately 20 sheep of the ‘Pampinta’ breed. It is a breed that not only allows the production of milk, but also meat and wool”Arthur explained. “The credit will allow us to buy a milking machine. Our goal is to dedicate ourselves to the production of cheese and dulce de leche”.

It should be noted that this undertaking obtained its credit for being a Local Development project with an environmental impact. “We are very grateful to the Córdoba Joven Agency because it allowed us to access this loan and promote our project”Arthur pointed out.

The president of the Agency toured the establishment accompanied by Board members Bernardo Tocalli and Jonatan Palomeque Farfán.

A loan program for young entrepreneurs

Córdoba Joven Project is an initiative that seeks to detect, promote and strengthen the entrepreneurial activity of young people from Córdoba, in its early stages of development.

Offers credits of up to 200 thousand pesos, at a 0% rate, oriented to undertakings that are related to the Knowledge Economy, the Triple Impact or Local Development; advice; and trainings.

It is aimed at young people, from 18 to 35 years old, who have an address in the province of Córdoba.

Registration and dynamics

Those who wish to apply for a loan must complete the following Digital Form, attach all the required documentation and attend the virtual validation interview.

The projects will be evaluated by the technical team of the Córdoba Joven Agency, which will weight them based on the following criteria (depending on the type of project): use of new technologies, innovation and creativity, social and environmental impact, impact on the territory and articulation with the production network, work team, technical feasibility, scalability and market potential.

The selected projects will be beneficiaries of the loan.

Entrepreneurs will have the support of the Córdoba Joven Agency and the Banco de Córdoba Foundation, through a process of monitoring, advice and linkage.

The trainings will be free and open. They will be developed in person and virtually in different locations in the province.


Those who wish to make inquiries can do so through WhatsApp at 3513 96-9559; by phone at 0800-444-0476 (Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.) or send an email to projectocbajoven@gmail.com.

Link to Bases and Conditions.

Link to Frequently Asked Questions.

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