Corona crisis increased children with eating disorders, patients are getting younger

by time news

Door Belgian

A survey of the five institutions in Flanders where you can register with an eating problem showed that more young people have been dealing with an eating disorder since the corona crisis. The age of those who sign up has also dropped recently. For example, some children’s hospitals testify that the average age is between eleven and thirteen years.

«Young people are mirroring themselves earlier and earlier on the ideal image that is proclaimed on social media,» explains Koen Albregts of CAW Limburg (Centre for General Welfare). “They often get a cell phone at a young age and create an unhappy image of perfectionism. This has a huge impact on their mental well-being.”

Difficult home sitting

The corona crisis, in which life continued online even more, has also contributed to this. Many teenagers faced a difficult home situation and the problems increased among young people who were already vulnerable.

Eating disorders are therefore strongly related to the self-image of young people. In addition to mental problems such as anxiety, loneliness and insecurity, eating disorders often lead to conflicts with the social environment, for example with concerned parents. «Young people grow and develop their identity, but sometimes focus so hard on their appearance and get lost in it,» says Albregts.

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