Corona echo; 3,838 trucks stranded on Chinese border | Kanyakumari News | Nagercoil News

by time news

It is customary for China to export millions of agricultural products annually from Vietnam. Accordingly, in the first 11 months of the current year, China imported $ 800 billion worth of Vietnamese agricultural products.

They include dragon fruits and jackfruits. In this case, the import from November 20 to December 27 last year, the corona affected the dragon fruit. In response, China has imposed a four-week ban on the import of dragon fruit from Vietnam.

Accordingly, the ban will remain in force till January 26. Thus 400 container lorries were returned from the border. Those products are to be sold in Vietnam with a 30 percent loss. A total of 3,383 trucks (lorries) containing similar products are parked along the Chinese border.

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