Corona measures: Braun does not rule out school closings – domestic policy

by time news

Due to the increasing corona numbers, the call for tougher measures is getting louder – now even school closings are apparently conceivable again!

Still-Chancellery Minister Helge Braun (49, CDU) said in an interview with the “World on sunday“, One would be well advised to” not exclude anything apodictically “- not even school closings.

You don’t have to consider this at the moment, says Braun, but: “Nevertheless, we still have to respect the pandemic. It shows us that it can change its face again with variants like the delta variant. “

But: School closings across the country will soon no longer be legally possible because the “epidemic of national scope” will expire on November 25th. The traffic light parties want to cope with the Corona winter without a lockdown.

Braun is a guest on Sunday evening at 9.45 p.m. in the BILD talk “The right questions”.

The criticism of this traffic light corona plan is increasing.

NRW Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst (46, CDU), for example, calls for the epidemic situation to be extended at least until the turn of the year. Wüst zu BILD: “It is still not too late to turn away from the path of negligence towards the virus. The SPD-led traffic light should still recognize the epidemic situation in the Bundestag, at least in the first step by the end of the year. ”That would give the federal government, the federal states and local authorities more opportunities to“ prevent worse things, ”said Wüst.

The SPD accuses desolate irresponsibility and a “delaying tactic”: “Instead of blocking a meeting of the heads of government for almost two weeks and thus a common line against Corona, the SPD could have chosen the path to reason.”

Traffic light politicians are also calling for tightening

Even politicians from the traffic light parties want to sharpen the Corona plan. Greens boss Robert Habeck (52) brought a lockdown for the unvaccinated to the newspapers of the Funke media group for the first time. “Contact restrictions are painful cuts, we all know that too well. But given the dramatic situation, they may be necessary regionally for those who have not been vaccinated, ”said Habeck.

His demand: “The corresponding should be included in the Infection Protection Act.”

The SPD chairwoman Saskia Esken has also spoken out in favor of tightening the draft for the new infection protection law. “It is very possible and I would also support it in places that we sharpen the bill again,” said Esken on Saturday the ARD capital studio.

In addition to regular corona tests for employees in areas such as nursing or in schools, “mandatory vaccination in these areas” should also be discussed.

The SPD leader does not want to rule out a lockdown for unvaccinated people.

The Bundestag wants to finally discuss the plans of the traffic light groups on the Infection Protection Act this Thursday, the Bundesrat is to decide on Friday in a special session.


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