Corona testing chaos: Long queues and heavy loads at testing complexes

by time news

Corona testing chaos continues: Long queues and heavy loads were also recorded today (Sunday) in the test complexes for Corona throughout the country due to the high demand. Many civilians reported standing in long lines in the various complexes and police reported heavy traffic congestion created near them.

Heavy loads were recorded in the test complexes in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Herzliya, Haifa, Bat Yam, Carmiel and other cities. Police have asked drivers who do not come for inspections at complexes to make use of alternative routes and to avail of navigation apps.

Huge queues for corona tests in the Petah Tikva complex (Photo: Avshalom Shashoni)

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett addressed today at the cabinet meeting the unusual problem that arose and said that “due to an unusual load, we will have to make changes today in the tests, that citizens will not stand in line for hours.”

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Prof. Eran Segal of the Weizmann Institute of Science even warned this morning in the High Court of Justice against a lack of tests and the collapse of the entire system: “We are facing the spread of the omicron. Starting at some point, 20,000 or 30,000 verified a day, we will be blind to the numbers because we do not have enough tests. The testing system is already collapsing. “

Among the complexes where heavy traffic was recorded: the testing complex at Beit Ariela in Tel Aviv, the testing complex at Sportek in Herzliya, the testing complex on Komemiyut Street in Bat Yam, the testing complex on the Armon Hanatziv promenade in Jerusalem.

MK Vladimir Blyak (Yash Atid) also addressed the exacerbating problem this morning and wrote on his Twitter account: “The situation with the endless queues for PCR tests can not continue. This is not true and unlikely. If the state can not guarantee the availability of reasonable tests for such a large number of subjects “And she does not.”

He added: “The solution is to focus the tests on at-risk populations and patients with significant symptoms. Everyone else can perform home antigen tests. Saves time, saves money, is within risk management policy. I will offer this to members of the Constitution Committee. And please – get vaccinated.”

Alongside this, the Ministry of Health last Thursday approved a new outline that allows a vaccine exposed to an omicron patient to perform a free antigen test instead of a PCR test. Dozens of checkpoints have been set up across the country, where the public can be tested by scanning the barcode found at the test station and filling in details. After a quarter of an hour, the result will be obtained, which, if negative, will give a green mark.


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