Coronation of Charles III: Camilla’s grandson as page of honor after breaking his arm with a sling | Entertainment

by time news

2023-05-05 11:42:35

Even with physical limitations, he wants to fulfill his royal duty.

At the coronation of King Charles III. on Saturday one of the eight honorary pages will be out of the ordinary.

King Charles and his wife Camilla in London in April

Photo: Stefan Rousseau/dpa

Gus Lopes, 13, grandson of Charles’ wife Camilla, will wear a sling around his right arm. The boy fell while on vacation while riding his bicycle and suffered a fracture.

The plaster cast has now been removed, but wearing the sling is unavoidable. This is reported by the British newspaper “Daily Mail”.

Camilla's grandchildren: twins Gus and Louis Lopes (both behind), Eliza Lopes, and Freddy Parker Bowles in 2022

Camilla’s grandchildren: twins Gus and Louis Lopes (both behind), Eliza Lopes, and Freddy Parker Bowles in 2022

Foto: ddp/CAMERA PRESS/Mark Stewart

King Charles and Camilla each have four page honours, between the ages of nine and 13. They are to hold up Charles and Camilla’s robes as they walk down the aisle of Westminster Abbey.

Due to his injury, Gus will only be able to use one arm to lift Camilla’s 12-pound robe.

Gus’ twin brother Louis will also be at the ceremony. The brothers are the children of Camilla’s daughter Laura Lopes.

To the honorary pages of King Charles III. belong alongside Prince George, the son of Prince William and Princess Kate, Lord Oliver Cholmondeley and Ralph Tollemache. The children’s parents or grandparents have a long association with King Charles.

Lord Oliver Cholmondeley (13) is the son of the Margravine of Cholmondeley, Rose Hanbury (39). Spicy: Supposedly she and Prince William had an affair four years ago. At the time, Hanbury was a neighbor of William and Kate.


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