Corrida: “There will not be a ban tomorrow”, assures Emmanuel Macron

by time news

Emmanuel Macron said on Wednesday that there would be “no ban tomorrow” on bullfighting, as demanded by LFI, and advocated on this subject “a conciliation, an exchange”. “We have to look at what is in our culture”, justified the President of the Republic. “There is not going to be the ban tomorrow. We must move towards a conciliation, an exchange. From where I stand, it’s not the priority at the moment. This subject must progress with respect and consideration, ”said the President of the Republic, on the sidelines of a visit to the salon of the Association of Mayors of France.

Macron wants to “take into account local specificities”

Bullfighting unleashes passions, through press forums and demonstrations, and opposes within the various political groups the defenders of animal welfare to those of a “cultural tradition”. “We must take into account the local specificities and customs to which our compatriots are legitimately attached. And the animal condition and the sensitivity it awakens, especially among younger generations. As soon as we are invective, it does not work, ”added the head of state.

“The animal condition is not always sufficiently listened to, it is a real subject. When we talk about hunting, bullfighting, the subject of the animal condition, we must approach it”, and “in the same way we must look at what is in our culture”, he continued. These debates must be “conducted with respect. In the respect of traditions and our culture because people have the impression of being dispossessed of their culture. And in keeping with our commitment to biodiversity and the climate. There is a way. »

The fear of obstruction

The total ban on bullfighting advocated by LFI deputy Aymeric Caron is one of the twelve texts on the menu of the “parliamentary niche” of this party in the National Assembly on Thursday. LFI deputies are hoping for a political spotlight, despite the risk of “obstruction” from their opponents.

The text on bullfighting is the subject of more than 500 amendments. Of “pure and simple obstruction”, with “certain amendments which attack me” personally, had deplored Monday Aymeric Caron. Despite majority support in public opinion, the proposal, rejected in committee, has little chance of being approved.

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