Coughing, sneezing, laughing and “urine incontinence”, this disease is curable. Reclaiming good quality of life : PPTVHD36

by time news

“Urine incontinence” or called this disease is another one. “Urinary Incontinence” is a condition that causes urinary incontinence that can occur in all genders. Starting from working age until the beginning of the golden age It is caused by disorders of the nervous system or muscles of the bladder, urethra, and pelvic weakness. which the latter usually occurs when older and in some cases it can be caused by stones or tumors in the urinary tract. Therefore, it is best to see a doctor to determine the true cause.

“Frequent urination pain”, overactive bladder disease Hurry up to treat before long-term effects.

color of urine indicates health Be aware of the warning signs of disease Don’t panic, get treatment in time.

urinary incontinence

simple behavior Causes of urinary incontinence include coughing, sneezing, laughing, which causes pressure in the abdomen until urine leaks out. But the severity may be different. If it’s not very severe, it may not take long to heal. During that time, the urine pad may be used for a while, but in some cases it may be necessary to see a doctor to discuss further treatment.

However, urinary incontinence It’s not scary anymore. Because it can cure or improve the quality of life of patients. But if ignored or left weakly acidic urine It may bite the tissue until it scars, smells bad, itches and may be a place for germs to grow.

cystitis Close-up diseases of working age people to be aware of

I sneezed and laughed

How is urinary incontinence treated?

1. The clenching of the vagina

To strengthen the vaginal and urethra muscles But the results are quite slow and have to be done regularly. by the way is Can squeeze the vagina in every movement The correct kneading is only the pelvic muscles. Similar to when holding a stool or urinating without straining the abdominal muscles or thighs together. Hold each chin for 10-20 seconds, then release for the same amount of time and then start again. This can be done as often as needed. The first phase may be done only a few times and then increases in both duration and frequency as you become more proficient.

However, if you are unsure whether to kip correctly or not, Can seek advice from a doctor.

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2. Taking medicine

taking anticholinergic drugs Helps to squeeze the muscles around the urethra. Medicines to reduce bladder contractions to strengthen the sphincter muscles that support the bladder It reduces urination pain and urination frequency. However, this medication may have a side effect of dry mouth. blurred vision and have constipation

I sneezed and laughed

3. Botox injections

Using a small amount of Botox on the bladder Botox helps to keep the bladder muscles from contracting or constricting too much. which causes the need to urinate immediately

However, Botox injections can also cause unwanted side effects, such as difficulty urinating. until the need for a urinary catheter In addition, you need to get injections regularly as Botox only lasts for about 6 months. therefore need to be re-injected every 6-12 months

“Stomachache” symptoms, do not leave it. Hurry up to check and check. Some diseases may require surgery.

4. Electrical stimulation

In some patients, the pelvic floor muscles cannot be administered. or can do but not good enough Using a low-dose electric current to directly stimulate the pelvic floor muscles has been shown to strengthen them, as well as having the patient perform their own pelvic floor exercises. Electrical stimulation also has a direct effect on the bladder to relax.

5. Surgery to correct urinary incontinence with a strap (Incontinence Sling)

In the past, treatment for urinary incontinence was usually major surgery through an open incision. But nowadays it is treated with surgery called Sling Procedure.

“Difficulty swallowing – frequent stomach pains” should have a gastric endoscopy.

I sneezed and laughed

Get to know urinary incontinence correction surgery with a strap.

Stress incontinence surgery in women involves the use of a sling made of synthetic material in the form of a thin bow. or from tissue beneath the patient’s urethra Its purpose is to replace the deteriorating pelvic floor muscles. And help support the urethra by this rope will serve to support the urethra while the patient coughs, sneezes or exercises. It is a vaginal surgery by making a small incision. on the vaginal surface and insert a tape line under the urethra in the proper position There are several methods as follows:

  • Retroubic slings are inserted behind the pubic bone. This method runs behind the pubic bone. and penetrates the skin 2 positions above the pubic bone
  • The strap is inserted through the groin. (Transobturator Slings) In this method, the rope will pass through the skin in 2 locations in the groin area.
  • Single Incision Sling: This method uses a rope that is embedded within the tissue. without passing out through the skin

Patients who underwent central urethral ligation surgery behind the pubic bone Or inserted through the groin, found that 80-90% will have urinary incontinence during exertion completely healed or improved after surgery. Most women who have undergone thoracolumbar implant surgery will recover to normal within 2 – 4. week after surgery Some people may have pain or irritation. In the groin area in the first 2 weeks, very few cases may have vaginal bleeding within 7 – 10 days after surgery.

Thank you health information from Paolo Hospital Phahonyothin

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