Court increases fine to subway workers union to R$2 million if strike continues

by time news

2023-10-03 22:59:13

Metro, CPTM (Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos) and Sabesp workers went on strike this Tuesday (3)


If the strike by São Paulo metro employees continues until this Wednesday (4), the fine imposed will rise to R$2 million. Metro workers are meeting in an assembly on Tuesday night (3) to define the direction of the movement.

Workers from the Metro, CPTM (Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos) and Sabesp went on strike this Tuesday (3), in protest against the privatization plans of the three companies, announced by the Tarcísio de Freitas (Republicans) management.

On the 29th, the TRT-2 (Regional Labor Court of the 2nd Region) determined that, on the day of the strike, Metro employees would have to maintain 100% of operations during peak hours (from 6am to 9am and from 4pm to 7pm) and 80% at other times. In his decision, judge Celso Ricardo Peel Furtado de Oliveira had established a fine of R$500,000 in case of non-compliance with the terms.

This Tuesday, however, in response to a request from the Metro, the judge issued a new decision and determined that, if the stoppage extends until this Wednesday and the subways are not operating with the required staff (100% during peak hours and 80% during remainder), the fine will be increased to R$2 million.

According to Oliveira, the decision occurs “due to the effective non-compliance with the court order” and “in evident disrespect to the Judiciary”.

It is not clear, however, whether only the Metro Workers Union should pay the fine. This is because, in addition to subway workers, the decision mentions the Union of Engineers in the State of São Paulo -“a fine of R$ 2 million, in case of non-compliance, for both defendants”, says the text-, but the engineers of the Metro stopped joining the strike on Monday (2), before the strike began.



CPTM also went to court against the strike, and the fine for the three unions representing train workers also increased.

According to the TRT-2 decision this Tuesday, the unions did not comply with a court order that provided for 100% of the contingent working during peak hours and 80% at other times. As a result, CPTM contacted the TRT-2 (Regional Labor Court) this morning and asked that the unions be fined R$1 million.

In a decision early this Tuesday afternoon, judge Raquel Gabbai de Oliveira, from TRT-2, understood that the unions failed to comply with the decision to maintain 100% of the operation during peak hours and 80% during the rest of the day and increased the penalty, fining each of the entities R$500,000.


Previous decision provided for a fine of R$500,000 to be shared between the Union of Workers in Railway Companies of São Paulo, the Union of Workers in Railway Companies of the Central Zone of Brazil and the Union of Workers in Railway Companies of the Sorocabana Zone.

#Court #increases #fine #subway #workers #union #million #strike #continues

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