Cousin of the late Shaul Janudi, head of the community in Antioch: “rich in rights”

by time news

“We had hope the whole time, even after they found the body of his wife Fortuna and the search among the ruins continued. After they also found Shaul lifeless, the feelings are hard, very sad,” Yossi Jannoudi told “Maariv” today (Friday). The cousin of Shaul Janudi, the head of the Jewish community in Antakya in southern Turkey, who rescuers found after long hours lifeless under the ruins of his house. Jannodi’s body was found early in the morning, after the body of his wife, Fortuna, was found among the ruins yesterday.

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“Even after we were informed yesterday that Fortuna was found lifeless, we continued to believe the whole time. As long as the candle is lit – we must not lose hope,” Yossi Janudi said sadly. “I received the difficult message last night from Gili Nir, who was in the Israeli rescue team that participated in the search.”

“Shaul Janudi, my cousin, was a man with a lot of rights. He helped many Jews, who came from Syria to Turkey, with lodging, clothes and kosher food. He was the head of the small Jewish community that lived in the city, and a well-known, accepted and highly respected figure who loved to help.” Gennody described.

He also said that all of Shaul Jannoudi’s activity was voluntary: “He had a textile business and his activity in the community and in aid was always voluntary,” he noted. “Shaul has close family in Turkey as well as in Israel. His two daughters and three guardians live in Israel,” said his cousin, who immigrated to Israel in 1981 and for many years is the owner of “Genudi Fashion” in Tel Aviv, which specializes in men’s suits.

“I also had a career in Turkey, I served as a soldier in the Turkish army. Ever since I heard about the severe earthquake and the heavy disaster, I feel broken, my heart aches. I am also very sad to see the destruction in the streets of the city where I grew up,” he admitted sadly.

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