Covid, disbarred no-vax doctor: “I’m proud of it”

by time news

2023-06-08 20:18:18

“With infinite pride I announce that on 6 June I received the communication of the decision of the commission for members of the Register of Surgeons of the province of Turin on the treatment of my disciplinary procedure: expulsion from the Medical Association”. This was announced in her blog on her Facebook by Silvana De Mari herself, disbarred from the Turin medical order, who had suspended her in 2021 for not having been vaccinated against Covid.

“Throughout the so-called pandemic, I have been making statements, or rather utterances as my colleagues write, which have saved thousands or perhaps tens of thousands of people – he says, commenting on the measure – I recommended cod liver oil: a few months ago it Its prodigious action in preventing the Covid 19 infection or at least in decreasing its severity has been confirmed by the University of Oslo. the effects of carcinogenicity”.

De Mari is a convinced no-vax. “At this moment in which the Italian people are plagued by strange new epidemics of sudden and fatal illness, of myocarditis and pericarditis, of cancers and cancers so violent that the term turbo cancer has been coined, it is an honor to be expelled from the Orders who imposed these drugs – he says – Thanks to my words, thousands of people have refused the inoculation of the drugs in question. I am infinitely proud of it. In the next few days we will discuss all the points of the 14 pages of motivation”.

“Silvana De Mari has finally been struck off the Order of Doctors of Turin for her no-vax and anti-scientific positions. Many doctors, including myself, have been subjected to attacks, even violent ones, on her part. Let’s hope it’s just the first disbarment of a long series of other doctors, who have chosen to go against medical-scientific evidence. Anyone who is against vaccines must not and cannot be a doctor. It must be a rule that applies to all medical orders. Not only for the one in Turin, to whom compliments go for the courage and strength of this action”, comments the infectious disease specialist Matteo Bassetti, director of infectious diseases of the San Martino polyclinic in Genoa on Twitter.

#Covid #disbarred #novax #doctor #proud

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