Covid Italy, 220,532 infections and 294 deaths: January 11 bulletin

by time news

I am 220,532 new Coronavirus infections in Italy today, January 11, 2022, according to Covid data and numbers – region by region – of the Civil Protection bulletin and the Ministry of Health. The dead are 294, this is the highest number of the fourth wave.

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Since yesterday, 1,375,514 swabs have been processed with a positivity rate of 16%. There were 185 admissions to intensive care in 24 hours, 1,677 in total. There are 727 hospitalized with symptoms, 17,067 in total.

There are 7,554,344 infected with Covid-19 since the beginning of the emergency, while the victims rise to 139,265. The healed are 5,410,482, 56,560 in the last 24 hours. To date in Italy there are 2,004,597 Coronavirus positives, 60,618 more than yesterday.


LOMBARDY – There are 45,555 new infections from Coronavirus in Lombardy according to today’s bulletin, Tuesday 11 January 2022, with data from the Region. The table refers to another 55 deaths. Since the beginning of the pandemic there have been 35,519 victims in the Region. In the last 24 hours, 265,222 swabs were processed with a positivity rate of 17.1%.

Intensive care admissions are on the rise: they are 256, 10 more since yesterday, while there are 3,202 hospitalized patients, 203 more since yesterday.

There are 13,022 new Covid positives, recorded in the province of Milan in the last 24 hours, of which 5,212 in the city of Milan. As for the other provinces of Lombardy, 4,111 new cases are recorded in Bergamo, in Brescia 6,408, in Como 3,279, in Cremona 1,611, in Lecco 1,443, in Lodi 1,126, in Mantua 1,876, in the province of Monza and Brianza 3,831, in Pavia 2,525, in Sondrio 782 and in Varese 4.187.

CAMPANIA – There are 30 thousand new infections from Coronavirus in Campania according to today’s bulletin, Tuesday 11 January 2022, with data from the Region. The table refers to another 20 deaths, 20 new deaths, 14 of which occurred in the last 48 hours and 6 occurred previously, but recorded yesterday. In the last 24 hours, 125,665 swabs were processed, of which 77,387 antigenic and 48,278 molecular.

In Campania there are 85 Covid patients hospitalized in intensive care, 8 more than yesterday, and 1,091 Covid patients hospitalized in hospital wards, 6 more than the figure released yesterday.

LAZIO – There are 12,788 new infections from Coronavirus in Lazio according to today’s bulletin, Tuesday 11 January 2022, with data from the Region. The table refers to another 43 deaths. In the last 24 hours, 25,509 molecular swabs and 90,441 antigenic swabs were processed with a positivity rate of 11%.

There are 1,583 hospitalized patients, 65 more since yesterday, 196 intensive care units occupied, one less, and 3,153 recovered. The cases in Rome city are at 5,336.

In detail, the cases and deaths registered in the Lazio health authorities in the last 24 hours. Asl Roma 1: 1,972 new cases and 5 deaths; Asl Roma 2: 2,816 new cases and 8 deaths; Asl Roma 3: there are 548 new cases and 5 deaths; Asl Roma 4: there are 863 new cases and 5 deaths; ASL Roma 5: 1,338 new cases and 5 deaths; Asl Roma 6: there are 1,377 new cases and 6 deaths. In the provinces there are 3,874 new cases: Asl di Frosinone: 1,103 new cases and 1 death; ASL of Latina: 1,599 new cases and 5 deaths; Asl di Rieti: 484 new cases and 2 deaths; Asl di Viterbo: there are 688 new cases and 1 death.

EMILIA ROMAGNA – There are 14 thousand new Coronavirus infections in Emilia Romagna according to today’s bulletin, Tuesday 11 January 2022, with data from the Region. The table refers to another 35 deaths. In the last 24 hours, 78,623 swabs, including molecular and antigenic, were processed, with a positivity rate of 17.8%. 3,524 people have healed since yesterday. In 226,810 in isolation at home.

There are 152 patients currently admitted to the intensive care units in Emilia-Romagna, one more than yesterday, with an average age of 61.9 years. Of the total, 112 are not vaccinated, equal to 73.7%, while 40 are vaccinated with a full cycle. As for the patients, hospitalized in the other Covid departments, there are 2,166, 123 more than yesterday, with an average age of 68.4 years.

TUSCANY – There are 16,290 coronavirus infections in Tuscany today, 11 January 2022, according to numbers and covid data from the region’s bulletin anticipated by governor Eugenio Giani. “The new cases registered in Tuscany are 16,290 out of 87,520 tests of which 20,951 molecular swabs and 66,569 rapid tests. The rate of new positives is 18.61% (77.4% on the first diagnoses)”, writes Giani on Telegram, adding that the vaccines currently administered in Tuscany are 7,473,865.

PUGLIA – There are 7,287 new coronavirus infections today 11 January in Puglia, according to data from the latest covid-19 bulletin. There are 4 more deaths. The new cases, identified through 87,269 swabs, are divided as follows by province: Bari: 2,288; Bat: 708; Brindisi: 846; Foggia: 1.059; Lecce: 1.451; Taranto: 835; Residents outside the region: 78; Province in definition: 22. There are 69,410 people currently positive, 475 hospitalized in a non-critical area and 49 in intensive care. Overall data: 363,483 total cases; 6,429,204 swabs performed; 287,045 people recovered and 7,028 deaths.

BASILICATA – There are 868 new coronavirus infections in Basilicata according to today’s bulletin, 11 January. On the other hand, there are no new deaths. 2,781 molecular swabs carried out in the last 24 hours. 246 people from Basilicata who have been cured or negativized are 78 (+4) hospitalized for Covid-19, 2 of which in intensive care: 41 (of which 2 in TI) in the Potenza hospital; 37 in that of Matera. Overall, the current positives residing in Basilicata are 11,085. For the vaccination, 5,678 administrations were made yesterday.

ABRUZZO – There are 4,996 new infections from Coronavirus in Abruzzo according to today’s bulletin, Tuesday 11 January 2022, with data from the Region. The table refers to 2 other deaths, a 77 year old from the province of Chieti and an 88 year old from the province of L’Aquila. In the last 24 hours, 6,090 molecular swabs and 45,007 antigen tests were performed with a positive rate of 9.77%. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the total number of victims has risen to 2,673. 1,029 people have been healed since yesterday.

The currently positive in Abruzzo are 54,382. The patients admitted to the medical area are 338, 24 more than yesterday, while the intensive care units occupied are 32, 7 more than yesterday. 54,012 people in home isolation. Among the provinces with the highest number of new cases Chieti at 1.398, Teramo at 1.280, at 1.279 and L’Aquila at 817.

CALABRIA – There are 2,189 new infections from Coronavirus in Calabria according to today’s bulletin, Tuesday 11 January 2022, with data from the Region. The table refers to another 2 deaths. In the last 24 hours, 14,004 swabs, both molecular and antigenic, were processed. In the Region there are 1,108 currently positive, 28 more hospitalizations for a total of 410 and, finally, 4 more intensive care units employed for a total of 38.

PIEDMONT – There are 18,600 new infections from Coronavirus in Piedmont according to today’s bulletin, Tuesday 11 January 2022, with data from the Region. The table refers to another 13 deaths. The new cases are equal to 18.3% of the 101,414 swabs performed, of which 86,784 antigenic. In the last 24 hours, 12,330 people have healed.

The number of people admitted to intensive care is 148, 8 more than yesterday. The hospitalized in the ordinary wards are 1,911, 66 more than yesterday. 148,626 people in home isolation. 12,191 people have died since the start of the pandemic.

FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA – 4,187 infections were registered today, 11 January, in Friuli Venezia Giulia, according to the bulletin with the Region’s Covid data. Nine deaths. On 9,026 molecular swabs 916 new infections were detected, with a positive percentage of 10.15%. In addition, 25,739 rapid antigenic tests have been carried out, from which 3,271 cases (12.71%) were detected. The number of people hospitalized in intensive care has dropped to 37 while there are 353 patients hospitalized in other departments.

VENETO – There are 21,504 coronavirus infections in Veneto today, 11 January 2022, according to the record numbers of the region’s bulletin. The total number of victims since the beginning of the emergency reaches 12,612. Based on the comparison with the data released yesterday by the Civil Protection and the Ministry of Health, in the last 24 hours there have been 29 deaths. In the region, there are currently 205,699 positives. There are 1,680 covid patients admitted to hospital in a non-critical area. In intensive care, however, 215 people.

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