Covid Italy today, 30,911 infections and 279 deaths: bulletin last week

by time news

There were 30,911 new Coronavirus infections according to today’s bulletin, relating to data for the last week from 3 to 9 February 2023, according to Covid data and numbers – region by region – of the Civil Protection bulletin and the Ministry of Health. New cases are down 6.4% from the previous week when they were 33,042. There are also another 279 deaths in 7 days, a decrease of 36.4% compared to the previous week when there were 439.

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The positivity rate for Covid in Italy has increased slightly in the last week: it stands at 5.7%, with a change equal to 0.2 percentage points more than the previous week (when it was at 5.5 %). The tests performed in 7 days are down: in fact, the bulletin reports a total of 547,026 swabs, equal to 8.1% less than the previous week.


LAZIO – There are 625 new coronavirus infections today, February 10, 2023 in Lazio, according to the Covid data of the latest regional bulletin. Since yesterday there have been 5 deaths in the Region. In Lazio, cases grow by 5% in 7 days, incidence and Rt rise by 0.67.

In Lazio there were 1,695 molecular swabs and 6,440 antigenic swabs with a ratio between positives and swabs at 7.6%. There were 556 hospitalized, 3 more than yesterday, 25 intensive care, 2 more than yesterday, and 708 recovered in the last 24 hours. The cases in the city of Rome are at an altitude of 394. In detail the numbers of the last 24 hours. Asl Roma 1: there are 133 new cases and 1 death; Asl Roma 2: there are 175 new cases and 2 deaths; Asl Roma 3: there are 86 new cases; Asl Roma 4: there are 33 new cases; Asl Roma 5: there are 46 new cases and 1 death; Asl Roma 6: there are 15 new cases. In the provinces there are 137 new cases. Asl of Frosinone: there are 31 new cases; Asl of Latina: there are 57 new cases; Asl of Rieti: there are 36 new cases; Asl of Viterbo: there are 13 new cases and 1 death.

TUSCANY – There are 238 new coronavirus infections today February 10 in Tuscany, according to data from the latest covid-19 bulletin. There are 6 more deaths. The new cases, 49 confirmed with a molecular swab and the other 189 with a rapid test, are 0.02% more than the previous day’s total. The number of infected people detected in the region since the beginning of the pandemic therefore rises to 1,585,196. The healed grow by 0.2% (2,858 people) and reach 1,546,925 (97.6% of total cases).

The data relating to the progress of the pandemic are those ascertained today on the basis of the requests of the national civil protection. At the moment, therefore, there are 26,764 positives in Tuscany, -8.9% compared to yesterday. Of these, 180 (9 fewer than yesterday) are hospitalized: 9 (stable) are in intensive care. The list of deaths is updated with 6 new deaths: 3 men and 3 women with an average age of 77.7 years.

Since the last daily bulletin, 330 molecular swabs and 2,568 rapid antigenic swabs have been performed: of these, 8.2% were positive. On the other hand, 427 subjects were tested, excluding the control swabs: 55.7% of these tested positive.

VENETO – There are 543 new coronavirus infections today 10 February in Veneto, according to data from the latest covid-19 bulletin. No deaths are recorded. In total, there are currently 16479 positive cases. There are seven fewer patients currently positive in the non-critical area and four fewer currently positive in intensive care.

PIEDMONT – There were 1,327 Coronavirus infections from 3 to 9 February in Piedmont, according to the Covid data of the latest regional bulletin. The occupation of ordinary beds stands at 2.1%, that of beds in intensive care is 0.3%, while the positivity of swabs is 2.7%.

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