“Covid Vaccine” for old people should be stimulated with mRNA. The result of the treatment found to reduce serious illness and death.

by time news

Dr. Manoon Leechawengwong, Head of the ICU specializing in respiratory diseases, critically ill patients and the elderly of Wichaiyut Hospital or “Doctor Manu” Posted on Facebook, “Doctor Manoon Leechawengwong FC”, stated that people at risk groups need to speed up injections. “Covid Vaccine” Stimulation needle, even injecting “Covid Vaccine” complete dose

It is now known that “Covid Vaccine” AstraZeneca 2 doses is not enough in people at risk, including the elderly. people with chronic disease and pregnant women for reducing serious illness and death from omikron strains People who have received 2 doses of AstraZeneca vaccine, the third dose should be the mRNA, Pfizer or Moderna vaccine. It is not a Sinovaccin or Sinofarm vaccine. And people who have received two doses of the inactivated vaccine followed by one dose of AstraZeneca should be boosted with another dose of the mRNA vaccine, Pfizer or Moderna.

A 71-year-old female patient is in good health. no chronic disease Slightly hyperlipidemia, no regular medication, injections “Covid Vaccine” Astra 2 injections May and July 2021 3rd dose Sinofarm vaccination December 2021 Sore throat, runny nose, mild cough, low fever March 3, 2022 ATK test positive, confirmed by RT-PCR, went to bed. In the hospital on March 5-9, while in the hospital. 5 days, no tiredness, no fever, normal oxygen levels normal lung x-ray Allowed to go home 2 days after returning home, began to feel tired, difficulty breathing, chest tightness, no fever, oxygen level to 92%. Emergency calls to hospital on March 12. Lung X-rays showed white patches on both sides, suggesting pneumonia from infection. The COVID-19 virus (see picture) has given steroid medication. and remdesivir injection The patient improved quickly in 5 days.

Dr. Manoon added that he compared this patient to an 89-year-old male patient who had diabetes, had to inject insulin, had kidney failure, had previously had lymphoma that had been cured with chemotherapy. “Covid Vaccine” ZENAstraZeneca 2 injections June and August 2021 Pfizer booster shot January 2022 Started having sore throat, runny nose, slight cough, no fever on March 7, hospitalized on March 11 with symptoms. Multiple diarrhea, RT-PCR test, confirmed COVID-19 infection Fecal examination revealed norovirus infection. During the hospital stay for 8 days, diarrhea improved, no tiredness, no fever, normal oxygen levels. normal lung x-ray

The second patient was at a higher risk of infecting the lungs than the first patient. But the infection did not enter the lungs. Because they received 2 doses of AstraZeneca and 1 dose of Pfizer mRNA vaccine, people who have received 2 doses of AstraZeneca should not be vaccinated with Sinovac or Zinvaccine. No Farm

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