Credits and loans for single-tax workers: how to access the benefits announced by Sergio Massa? | Elimination of the tax component and productive monotribute

by time news

2023-08-28 23:45:26

In an attempt to mitigate the impacts of the recent devaluation, the Economy Minister and Unión por la Patria presidential candidate, Sergio Massa, launched a set of measures designed to provide support to dependent workers, retirees, workers in the social economy, SMEs and monotributistas.

One of the initiatives presented for monotributistas includes the exemption of the tax component for categories A, B, C and D for a period of 6 months. The measure benefits those who invoice up to 3,656,604 pesos per year.

In addition, the Minister of Economy announced the “productive monotribute”, a program that will allow those who operate in the informal economy the possibility of becoming formalized and accessing these benefits.

Credits for monotributistas

The program does not stop there. The monotributistas will also have the option of accessing loans guaranteed by the State for an amount of up to 4 million pesos, depending on their category. These credits may be paid in 24 installments with a bank rate reduced by half and full support from the State.

How to request the credit for monotributistas?

The monotributistas can request the credit in the banking entities that are enabled. At the time of making the transaction, the worker must demonstrate that the requested money will be used in investments that are related to their economic activity.

You must also present a credit situation 1 and 2, which means that you are not within a medium or high risk of payment delays (according to the scale in the “Central Debtors” of the Central Bank).

Minister Massa stressed that the devaluation, imposed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) two weeks ago, affected all sectors of the economy, and its purpose is to guarantee that each of these sectors obtains the necessary support to maintain its stability.

In addition to these measures, the payment of three bonuses of $37,000 for retirees and pensioners in the months of September, October and November was announced.

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