Creepy red mushrooms of indecent shape were found in the Urals

by time news

A resident of the Ural city of Aramil in the Sverdlovsk region found red, foul-smelling mushrooms of an indecent shape in her garden, reports the E1 portal. The owner of the garden noted that she saw this for the first time. “They quickly fade, and immediately new ones grow, but the stench from them is unbearable. They smell like rotten meat, ”the woman said.

It turned out that this mushroom is a smelly morel, which also has another name – Mutilus Ravenel. This mushroom is safe for humans, looks like the genitals of an animal and smells like a rotten chicken egg. It smells bad because of the need to attract flies to carry spores. “It grows on the ground in small groups, sometimes singly in coniferous forests, usually near rotten stumps, any rotting wood,” explained Evgeny Savitsky, a researcher at the Botanical Garden of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

This mushroom is very rare, listed in the Red Book of Russia. You can meet him in North America, he came to Russia from the Baltic States, before that he was noticed in the Leningrad region. It makes no sense to specifically fight the fungus, since there is no harm from it.

Mycologist Mikhail Vishnevsky explained to “360” that Mutilus Ravenela is a relative of the Veselka mushroom, growing on damp decaying wood. If you remove it, then the conditions for the spread of this fungus will disappear.


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