Crimea prepares for a new flood and another wave of COVID-19

by time news

Abnormal showers again go to the Crimean Peninsula – an alarming forecast on Friday was reported at the Phobos Weather Center. This time, not only Yalta, but also Simferopol can go under water. Forecasters promise that the city will receive up to 120 mm of precipitation in two days. “MK” found out how the Crimeans are preparing for the approach of Armageddon.

“Just in Yalta, the beaches were opened after the previous flood, and we are already promised a new one. This bad weather will scare away all holidaymakers, ”local residents complain.

Indeed, a cyclone is again approaching the peninsula. From the second half of Sunday and on Monday night, its peak is expected; a cyclonic funnel will form over the Black Sea. Because of her, thunderstorms will fall on the shore.

“In some places 50 mm of precipitation will fall, in the daytime – 30 more. In two days in Simferopol, up to 120 mm of precipitation is expected, this is 270% of the entire monthly norm – a 100-liter barrel of water for every square meter of streets. The situation will be approximately the same in Yalta. The air temperature will drop to + 22 … + 25 degrees, ”Phobos said at the Weather Center.

“In Simferopol, showers are unlikely to bring the same destruction as in Yalta or Kerch,” says Mike LVOVSKI, a well-known Crimean journalist, editor of MK in Crimea. – We have a very sensible mayor, he carefully monitors the economy. He ordered the utilities to check and clean the storm drain in advance. Of course, if more than 200 percent of the monthly rainfall falls in two days, the streets will be flooded, but I think there will be no disaster. We are not here in Yalta, where the authorities allowed greedy developers to build up all river beds. “

In Yalta, on the contrary, they are very afraid of a new flood. People have not yet recovered from the effects of the previous flooding.

“The beaches are opening, the Yalta embankment has been cleared in the first place. In general, all the forces were thrown into putting in order the infrastructure of the city where the vacationers are, but it will take many more months to eliminate the consequences of the elements inside the city, in its residential quarters. It would be nice to manage before the fall, ”continues Mike.

However, tourists are not afraid of either the rampant elements or the rise in the incidence. Dozens of planes from all over the country land in Simferopol every day. Nobody was ready for such an influx of tourists on the peninsula. And, of course, no one expected that the incidence of coronavirus would break last year’s records in the summer of 2021.

“Our people are not afraid of anything. When Yalta was flooded, the planes still landed at the Simferopol airport, and the newly arrived vacationers, as if nothing had happened, went first to the beach. There, construction equipment works, all the beaches are muddy, garbage floats in the sea, and tourists make their way into the water between bulldozers to swim, even drag children with them, ”says Ninel Markovna, a resident of Yalta.

A woman will not remember such a rush at the Crimean resorts as this year. According to her, now they are ready to rent even a shed with amenities in the yard. And all hotels and holiday homes are booked until autumn.

“The most unpleasant thing is that due to the influx of vacationers, many Crimeans woke up pathological greed. The price tag in hotels jumped by 200-300%, says Lvovski. “Now you will have to pay 30 thousand rubles for a standard room in a 3-4-star hotel, although a year ago such a room cost 12,500.”

Of course, the wild high cost and bad weather in the resorts of the Crimea can greatly darken the rest of tourists, but the prospect is much worse – to pick up a covid during a vacation. Unfortunately, it is quite real. Not everyone follows the precautions. Especially in transport. According to Lvovski, security guards are not allowed to enter shopping centers without a mask, but there is no such strict control in public transport, so they are mostly worn by elderly people, while others, at best, hang on their chins.

“Now the increase in the incidence of coronavirus is about 300 people a day, for Crimea, where about 2.5 million people live, and they are scattered across the territory, this is a lot. And what will happen in the fall, even scary to think. We now have people from all over the country on vacation, it is possible that by the end of the tourist season some new strain will appear here, worse than this one, ”says Mike.

Antique measures on the peninsula are only limiting the work of entertainment establishments and catering at night. From 23.00 until the morning bars, restaurants and discos are closed, the rest of the time everything is open, and no one asks for a QR code. In sanatoriums, holiday homes and large hotels, however, you will have to present a certificate of a past illness, a PCR test or a vaccination certificate upon arrival. In the private sector, no one asks for any information.

One thing pleases – in Crimea, vaccination of the population has noticeably intensified in recent days. First of all, they began to vaccinate employees engaged in the tourism sector. The staff of the sanatoriums has already been vaccinated almost one hundred percent. The next in line are employees of public catering, trade and transport.

“Now vaccinations can be done both in a polyclinic and in a mobile vaccination station, the latter, by the way, have become much more in large resort cities. There are no queues anywhere, but the number of people wishing to be vaccinated has increased significantly, ”says Lvovski.

According to him, now the situation with the incidence of coronavirus is alarming, but not critical. Fortunately, until it was necessary to deploy military hospitals, as was the case in the last wave, the hospitals are coping on their own. In each major city hospital, special departments are allocated where patients with COVID-19 are treated. There is no shortage of medicines, vaccines or oxygen on the peninsula.


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