Cristiano Ronaldo: Manchester United star in focus

by time news

Cristiano Ronaldo’s sensational interview continues to resonate. Today (Friday), the day after the publication of the first part of the interview, came the response of Manchester United, who announced that they had taken the first steps against Ronaldo. “Manchester United took appropriate steps this morning in response to Cristiano Ronaldo’s latest interview. We will respond in accordance with the decisions that will be made at the club,” the club announced.

In the British media it is estimated that the steps United are talking about include an attempt to free themselves from the realm of the star. “United is looking into the possibility of canceling Ronaldo’s contract,” wrote “Athletic”. “She is considering the possibility of taking legal action, alleging breach of contract.”

Chris Wheeler from “Daily Mail” also claimed similar things: “United have taken the first steps towards the release of Ronaldo. The Red Devils have begun legal steps to “fire” Cristiano and his contract, in the amount of £500,000 a week, without having to pay him a single penny of The 16 million pounds he is supposed to receive by June. The club’s lawyers are convinced that Ronaldo violated his contract due to the exciting interview he gave.”

The end is near. Ronaldo | Imagebank GettyImages, Jan Kruger

At the same time, Wayne Rooney, one of Ronaldo’s former teammates who was in his crosshairs in the interview in question, also answered the Portuguese star.

As you remember, Ronaldo claimed in an interview that Rooney, who played with him in his previous term at Manchester United and visited him several times in the recent period due to his position as a commentator, “is generally jealous of me”. In an interview published yesterday, Ronaldo even called Rooney a “mouse”, and when asked by the interviewer Piers Morgan if Rooney was jealous of him because of his fat bank account, he replied: “Not only him, imagine also the other mice who criticize me.”

This morning Roni was interviewed by the “CNN” network and provided his own response to the things, as he tries to maintain class but also stings his former teammate. “Ronaldo is a fantastic player, he and Messi are probably the two greatest players of all time. What I said about him at the time, it’s not a criticism. I just said he’s getting old. And it seems he’s having trouble dealing with it.”

According to Rooney, “Ronaldo’s interview became a big story all over the world, but some of his statements there are a little strange to me. In any case, I’m convinced that Manchester United will know how to handle it after the whole interview is published. They will punish him in a certain way, that’s clear “.

Cristiano Ronaldo, Wayne Rooney, Manchester United
Jealousy or legitimate criticism? Rooney and Ronaldo on other days | Imagebank GettyImages, Koichi Kamoshida

Now, everyone in the UK is wondering: What will CR7’s next move be? According to Adam Bate of “Sky”, it’s hard to know: “Ronaldo was furious at the reports that no team wanted him, but the examples he gave didn’t really contradict that. It’s no surprise that he had an offer from the Middle East, with huge salaries. Sporting and Napoli were interested, but obviously None of them could compare to his salary at United.”

After the Portugal national team’s 0:4 win over Nigeria last night – without the sick Ronaldo – his teammate and Manchester United player Bruno Fernandes was asked what he thought about the interview, and about the video in which he is seen, apparently, coldly shaking CR7’s hand. “I have no problem with anyone,” he claimed. “I’m doing my job, and as the coach told me, I’ll only control myself. I didn’t read the headlines, and I’m fine with everything. Right now we’re only concerned with the Portugal team, only the World Cup, Ronaldo will be in his fifth World Cup and we all want the best for the team “.

“I don’t think he even wants to have a way back to United,” Gary Neville said last night. “He wouldn’t have been interviewed if he wanted there to be a way back. He knew it would make headlines and lead to the end of his career at United.”

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