crude oil price: Crude oil prices at rocket speed .. Rate rises due to war tensions! – crude oil price jumps to seven year high whereas aluminum trade at 13 year high

by time news
Crude oil prices continue to rise. Thus inflation has risen terribly internationally. In this situation, the price of crude oil today has risen sharply to a level not seen in the last seven years.

Tensions between Russia and Ukraine have been a major factor in the rise in crude oil prices. Crude oil prices are expected to rise above $ 100. But there are also signs that the war is easing.

The Russian government has called for the withdrawal of only part of the Russian forces concentrated on the Ukrainian border. This is expected to ease tensions on the border. Speculations have been raised as to whether this will result in a change in crude oil prices.

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Crude oil prices have risen 22% since the beginning of this year. Not only this, the price of aluminum has risen to a level not seen in 13.5 years. Russia accounts for 10 percent of the international aluminum market.

In addition, the price of natural gas continues to rise. In addition, inflation is high. Inflation in the United States is at an all-time high of 40 years.

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