Cruise tourism: “Mein Schiff” boss Wybcke Meier on vacation in times of war

by time news

Vacation in times of global crises
The boss of Tui-Cruises on the effects of the war on tourism

Wybcke Meier, CEO of Tui Cruises, in an interview about vacation in times of war

© Tui Cruises / Gregorschläger

What impact does the war have on summer vacations? Wycbke Meier is the head of the “Mein Schiff” fleet at Tui Cruises. In an interview, she talks about the prospects for holidays in 2022 and the global crises of our time.

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She is the most powerful woman in the German tourism industry: Wybcke Meier, as CEO of Tui Cruises, directs the entire “Mein Schiff” fleet. With its seven cruise ships, 630 employees on land and around 8,000 crew members on board, it has fully focused on the year 2022. And then, after two years of the corona pandemic, came the war in Ukraine. What does Russia’s invasion, the suffering of the people in Ukraine and the expensive shock mean for cruise vacations in 2022? The five most important questions and answers – and a promise that many will be happy to hear.

The pictures from Ukraine are horrific. Destruction, hundreds of thousands of people fleeing. Many people from Ukraine work on board their “Mein Schiff” fleet. How good does it feel to be selling cruises right now?

Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine has more than shaken us all. I shudder when I put myself in people’s shoes, their endless suffering. With us on board, Ukrainian and Russian employees work very well together. Wherever possible, we also offer the possibility for crew members to bring families with them. All in all, it’s an emotional roller coaster ride. Because of course we would like to offer carefree breaks at sea even after the two years of the pandemic, which has left its mark on all of us. As of today, all seven of our ships are sailing again. I am also responsible for thousands of people who would otherwise have no work.

Without wanting to sound cynical in view of the situation of the people in Ukraine: Germans are feeling the consequences of the war in their wallets. Everything gets more expensive. Can normal families still afford cruises this year?

Yes. We will not introduce any fuel surcharges for trips with “Mein Schiff” – unlike some airlines. We have signed long-term contracts. Therefore, in the first year, which feels normal after the pandemic, we will not unsettle our customers with price increases. Of course, as a shipping company, we also have to pay more for food. We do not pass these price increases on. We want to give our customers as much security as possible. That’s why the current rule for new bookings for the summer is: Our customers can rebook free of charge up to 30 days before the start of their trip.

Your company has felt the consequences of the corona pandemic very clearly. All restrictions are now being lifted almost everywhere in Germany and Europe. However, with “Mein Schiff” you require vaccinations, tests and masks – why?

For us, the recommendations of the Robert Koch Institute are the basis. Getting on board is perhaps a bit more complicated at the moment. If you are here, the mask requirement only applies where the distance cannot be maintained. All restaurants and bars are open here, sports and wellness are possible. The complete shore excursion program is also offered and guests can disembark individually. Masks are not required to be worn at the pool.

Regarding the tests: We do this so that every guest and we have an up-to-date test status at the beginning of the trip. We offer a bit more security than with any other form of travel.

More fundamentally about the rules: We work closely with the relevant authorities, because every port has different regulations. We assume that as a cruise company we will be treated equally with the rules that apply to vacationers on land. And of course we’re looking at how we can relax the rules further, if the situation allows it.

They are in Greece right now to open the 2022 season with the Minister of Tourism. What goals are you aiming for with your ships this year?

The favorite destinations are the north with Norway and of course the Mediterranean. Both the western Mediterranean and the eastern. There alone we have three out of seven ships. The Baltic Sea is also very popular in summer. Of course, we immediately removed Saint Petersburg from the route and replaced it with, for example, Helsinki (Finland), Visby (Gotland) or Klaípeda (Lithuania). And that too must be said clearly: In view of the dramatic situation, I don’t see any possibility of going to Saint Petersburg this year. Unfortunately, this also applies to Odessa.

An MSC cruise ship docks off Ocean Cay, Bahamas.

According to the German Travel Association, Germans booked at shorter and shorter notice during the pandemic. What is your recommendation for the 2022 holiday?

Overall, like everyone else, we see very strong demand for travel. Therefore I can only advise to book early. Many families may have stayed at home in recent years and saved a little more money. The longing for vacation is clearly there.

Roger Saha, ldh,

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