Cuban child with leukemia needs a humanitarian visa – 2024-05-10 04:30:00

by times news cr

2024-05-10 04:30:00

Through social networks, the call for help arose for Magdiel Alejandro Montejo Cabrera, a brave Cuban boy of only 4 years old who is fighting a tough battle against M5 acute myeloid leukemia.

His mother, Vilmari Cabrera Tamayo, has made her son’s story public in the hope of finding support to continue his treatment. It was shared on Facebook by the communicator, Javier Díaz.

Finding no answers at the Bayamo pediatric hospital in Granma, the family made the decision to transfer him to Havana, where he received the devastating diagnosis of blood cancer.

Magdiel has faced 9 months of treatment, including 5 sessions of chemotherapy and multiple blood and platelet transfusions.

The little boy’s situation became even more complicated after the death of his father due to a heart attack, news that has not been shared with him for fear of affecting his health even more.

In addition, he faces a shortage of medications necessary for his treatment that are not available in Cuba.

However, the good news was that Nicklaus Children’s Hospital in Miami accepted this Cuban boy for a bone marrow transplant, with his 7-year-old sister as a compatible donor.

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At this point, the problem is that the family faces the obstacle of obtaining a humanitarian visa to travel to the United States and access life-saving treatment.

“Let’s share this story, let’s spread the word about her case so that Magdiel can receive the help she so desperately needs. “He deserves to have a real chance at life, an opportunity that the hospital in Miami can offer him.”said Javier Díaz.

For more information on how to collaborate with the humanitarian visa, you can contact*Vilmari Cabrera Tamayo at +53 5 5348672.

Editorial of Cubans around the World

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