Cuevas postpones convention the place he would discuss Monreal and assault on Rojo de la Vega

by times news cr

2024-05-26 09:52:39

The Senate candidate of the Republic for Citizen motion (MC) and licensed mayor of Cuauhtémoc, Sandra Cuevascanceled the Press convention whom he had summoned this Thursday.

Within the assembly with the press he had introduced that he would discuss his candidacy, in addition to the present scenario within the mayor’s workplace that he ruled.

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Nevertheless, the problems that the Emecista would consult with in her convention and which have precipitated controversy in latest days, is her relationship with the Morena senator, Ricardo Monreal, who can also be the daddy of the candidate of that very same celebration for the demarcation that Cuevas ruled.

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Within the invitation that he distributed to the media, he indicated that as a fourth level, in his convention he would consult with the assault suffered by Alessandra Rojo de la Vega, candidate for mayor of Cuauhtémoc for the Va por la CDMX coalition.


2024-05-26 09:52:39

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